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共82题,约5020字。  北重三中2010---2011学年度第一学期高二期中考试
  出题人 郝旭    审题人  李云龙      校对 刘文娟
  第Ⅰ卷   英语知识运用(共三节,满分100分)
  第一节  语法和词汇知识(共30题;每小题1分,满分30分)
  1. Lucy has ______all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.
  A. acquired     B. finished     C. concluded     D. achieved
  2.  It was ______bae after the experiment.
  A. not until midnight did he go    B. until midnight that he didn’t go
  C. not until midnight that he went    D. until midnight when he didn’t go
  3.  The play had already been on for quite some time when we ______at the New Theatre.
  A. have arrived     B. arrived     C. had arrived     D. arrive
  4.  I don’t think _____possible to master a foreign language without muemory.
  A. it     B. that     C. its     D. this
  5.  Cellphones are now widely used, ______possible for us to talk to anyone from almost anywhere.
  A. make it     B. to make it     aking      D. making it
  6.  -----When did he leave the classroom?
  -----He left ______you turned back to write on the blackboard.
  A. for the moment     B. on the moment 
  C. the moment        D. before
  7.  The trees ______in the storm have been moved off the road.
  A. blown down          B. being blown down  
  C. blowing down         D. to blow down
  8.  This club ______more than 200 members.
  A. map     B. map of    C.
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