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  • 更新时间: 2010/12/14 20:39:23
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  21.  The fresh air on the____him____his headache
  A cured;for        B. cured;of          C. cured;/         D. cured;from
  22.Can you____what the writer has said?
  A. make sense           B. make a sense of             ake sense of           D. make of sense
  23.I think it is his uncle who____for the car accident.
  A. is going to blame         B. is to be blamed          C. is to blame         D. should blame
  24. Unless____to her birthday,you don’t have to send her a present.
  A.invited   B. inviting   C.being invited  D.having invited
  25.What he said was ____.
  A. great importance  B.very importantly  C.of great importance  D.of great important
  26.____in thought,he sat still in the chair.
  A. Losing  B. Having lost  C. Lost  D. To lose
  27.It,s wonderful that the Chinese people____made so much progess these years.
  A. must  B. can  C. should  D. may
  28. He was so tired that he fell____asleep.
  A. very  B. much  C. fast  D. quickly
  29..Who provides these children____food and clothing?
  A. with  B. for C. to  D. of
  30. ____can you expect to get a pay rise.
  A. with hard work  B. Although work hard   C. Only by working hard
  D. Now that he works hard
  31. ____the little boy.
  A. Out rushed  B. Rushed out  C. Out was rushing  D. Out was rushed
  32. A driver should____the road when____.
  A. concentrate on;drive  B.concentrate in;driving
  C concentrate to;drove   D. concentrate on;driving
  33.----Will you go skating with me this weekend?
  A. all depending  B. all depends  C. is all depended  D. is all depending
  34.Jack catghes a bad cold at____the same time each year, which is rather strange.
  A. privately  B. roughly  C. constantly  D. instantly
  35. Their performance was much better than____.
  A. expecting  B. it expected  C. expected  D. is expected
  One day, in Philadelphia, three men walked into the Thirtieth Street Station. One of them went to the Information Centre to   36 the arrival time of trains. There he found out that the three o'clock train 37 New York was going to leave   38 late that day.
  When an hour later they were told there was a 39, they suggested that they all go to a 40bar to wait. So off they went.
  About an hour later they. 41 the station laughing and joking and relaxed. When they arrived at the right 42 , they saw that the train was 43 moving slowly out of the station.
  All the three men 44 after the train shouting, "Wait! Wait! e back! ". Two of them caught up with the 45  car, grasped the handle of its car platform,   46  themselves up, and got on the moving train.   47 this time, the third man had stopped running. As he 48 watched the train pull out of the station, he could 49 see his friends wave and hear them call.
  At first he had a puzzled 50 on his face. Then after a short moment, he 51 round and slapped his knee as he laughed and laughed.
  A man standing nearby, who had seen 52 all, turned to him and asked, "   53 is so funny, fellow? After all, your two friends made it and you didn't."
  The man was still 54 so hard that he had tears in his eyes as he replied, "Well, these two fellows had meant to e to    55 me off!And now you see what has happened. Isn't it fun?"
  (    )36. A. examine      B. find             C. check             D. tell
  (    )37. A. in            B. to               C. from              D. through
  (    )38. A. an hour       B. a quarter        C. half an hour        D. two hours
  (    )39. A. mistake       B. accident         C. incident           D. delay
  (    )40. A. popular       B. nearby           C. nice               D. cheap
  (    )41. A. met at       B. went out of     C. returned to         D. e back
  (    )42. A. centre        B. direction          C. way               D. track
  (    )43. A. still          B. yet               C. already            D. soon
  (    )44. A. ran          B. e              C. bed           D. looked
  (    )45. A. new         B. last                C. next              D. first
  (    )46. A. pushed       B. rose               C. pulled             D. put
  (    )47. A. At           B. By                C. Since             D. To
  (    )48. A. surprisingly   B. carefully          C. hopelessly         D. eagerly
  (    )49. A. not          B. still               C. hardly             D. also
  (    )50. A. sight         B. problem           C. expression         D. case
  (    )51. A. turned        B. ran               C. was               D. broke
  (    )52. A. it            B. him              C. these              D. those
  (    )53. A. How         B. What             C. Where             D. Why
  (    )54. A. crying        B. moving           C. laughing           D. joking
  (    )55. A. take          B. see               C. drive             D. send
  I wonder about my Mom sometimes, and all the other blaothers who got up at 6 a. m. to go to the white man's house with sacks over their shoes because it was so wet and cold. I wonder how they made it. They worked very hard for the man. They made his breakfast and they swept his floors and they took care of his babies. They didn' t have too mue for the three of us.
  I wonder about my Mom, who walt of a white woman's clean house at midnight and e back to her own where the lights had been out for three months, and the pipes were frozen and the wind e in through the holes in the wail. She'd have to deal with the rats: leave some food out for them so they wouldn't bite the doors or the babies. Oh, they were just like part of the family!

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