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  • 更新时间: 2010/10/19 19:41:22
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  (考试时间:120分钟   满分:150分)
  命、审题人:陆雅平  丁玉琼
  第Ⅰ卷 (三大部分,共115分)
  1. For which class must the woman begin to prepare?
  A. She must begin writing a paper for her history class.
  B. She must start writing up her laboratory report for her istry class.
  C. She must begin studying for her English examination.
  2. What happened in the afternoon?
  A. The man told Fred to meet them at six.
  B. The roommate met Fred at six.
  C. The man told the roommate to give Fred the message.
  3. Whom does the man consider the last famous?
  A. Miss Green      B. John        C. Austen
  4. What did the man mean?
  A. He didn’t want the suit made.
  B. He didn’t want a good figure.
  C. He doubted whether the woman could make a good suit for him.
  5. What do we learn from the conversation?
  A. The woman believe it was a true story.
  B. The woman made up a story of his adventure.
  C. The woman had seen the traffic accident.
  6. What do the speakers think of San Francisco?
  A. It is a big city.
  B. They both love the city.
  C. It isn’t so expensive to live there.
  7. What does the woman think of cell phone interruption?
  A. She likes it.     B. She doesn’t mind it.      C. She considers it rude.
  8. What reason does the man give to answer his cell phone?
  A. He feels like answering.
  B. He wants to know who’s calling.
  C. He thinks that it could be something important.
  9. What are the speakers talking about?
  A. Popular sports events.
  B. TV programs people like best.
  C. Things people do after work.
  10. How did the woman do the research?
  A. She talked to people.
  B. She sent letters to people.
  C. She collected information from newspaper.
  11. What do most people do in their spare time?
  A. Go to movies.    B. Read books.    C. Watch TV.

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