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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高二上学期试卷
  • 文件类型: doc
  • 资源大小: 23 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2010/10/16 13:33:51
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
  • 下载情况: 本月:获取中 总计:获取中
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  一、单项选择 ( 20 % )
  1.By learning ______ psychology, you’ll know better on how to behave yourself in ______ society and get along fine with others.
  A.the; the B./; the C./; / D.the; /
  2.The scientific study shows that once ______ cigarettes, one will find it hard to get out of it.
  A.lost to B.concentrated on pressed on D.addicted to
  3.______ the shark drawing closer to her, the sy swimmer was ______ almost to death.
  A.Seeing; scared B.Seeing; scary C.Seen; scare D.To see; scared
  4.He was ______ manager of the firm after the former director resigned from the post.
  A.approved B.adopted C.appointed D.conducted
  5.People ______ one another in their potential to sort out problems.
  A.diverse from B.vary from C.vary with D.vary in
  6.A large quantity of students subscribe quite a bit of money to charities, ______ the fact that they themselves don’t have that muoney.
  A.thanks to B.in spite of C.as well as D.due to
  7.---What was ______ made disabled Marty keep on trying repeatedly?
  ---His desire to make a difference.
  A.that it B.it C.that D.it that
  8.---Failure after failure I have suffered.It seems that I’ll never achieve my ambition!
  --- ______Things are ing on well.
  A.All the best. B.Cheer up!  C.Doesn’t matter D.Never mind
  9.She was so annoyed that she ______ him out of the door, but she finally ed herself down.
  A.liked throwing  B.would like throwing 
  C.felt like throwing  D.felt like to throw
  10.The pany going from bad to worse, the employees ______ hardly enough to make a living.
  A.are paid     B.are paying     C.have paid     D.get pay
  11.---Do you think that housing price will keep ______ in the years to e?
  ---I don’t think so.The price is bound to fall.It’s only a matter of time.
  A.bringing up B.going up C.growing up D.lifting up
  12.I will always stand on your side ______ the others advocate different views from yours.

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