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  • 更新时间: 2010/6/6 15:28:27
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  一.听力(满分 35分)
  第一节 听力理解(播放两遍)(共15题,每小题2分,满分30分)
  1. What is the weather like now?
  A. Cold.   B. Warm.   C. Rainy.
  2. Which season is it?
  A. Winter    B. Autumn             C. Spring
  3. What are they talking about?
  A. English songs   B. A football match   C. Their hobbies
  4. Why does the girl join the English Song Club?
  A. Because she wants to improve her English     
  B. Because she wants to be a singer    
  C. Because she wants to make friends
  5. What club does the boy join at school?
  A. The English Song Club.  B. The Football Club  C. The Guitar Club
  6. What does the man do?
  A. A driver    B. A polian.     C. A passenger
  7. What does Jenny doing when the traffic accident happened ?
  A. She was walking   B. She was driving a blue Toyota.   
  C. She was standing outside the banilding.
  8. Was the truoving fast at that time?
  A. Yes, very fast.      B. No, very slowly     C. Jenny didn’t see clearly.
  9. Who didn’t speak Spanish?
  A. The waiter.    B. A cow.       C. The Americans.
  10. What did two Americans asks the waiter for?
  A. Some milk       B. A cow      e tea
  11. What did the waiter see in a piece of paper?
  A. The word “milk”.      B. A cow    C. A cock
  12. Does the man get up as soon as he wap?
  A. We don’t know    B. Yes, he does.  C. No, he doesn’t.
  13. What time does the man usually have breakfast?
  A. At 7:00       B. At 7.30.   C. At a quarter to seven.
  14. What do the children do first after they get up?
  A. They go to the bathroom.  B. They have breakfast  C. They play games
  15. What’s the woman’s advice?
  A. Spending more time with children and exercising more
  B. Staying with children all the time and taking more exercise..
  proving health and doing less sport.
  第二节 听取信息(共5题,每小题1分,满分5分)(播放两遍)。
  Day What When
  Monday Play basketball (A)__________
  (B)__________ Read an English novel All day
  Wednesday Go to Mount YU (C )___________
  Friday (D)_____________ All day
  Saturday Help mother (E)____________ In the afternoon
  二. 语言知识与运用(共10题,每小题1分,满分10分)
  第一节 单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
  16. Professor Yi Zhongtian ________ to the Talk Show on CCTV-1 last weekend.
  A. had invited   B. invited 
  C. was invited   D. has been invited
  17. Mary is _________ than any other girl in her class.
  A. most outgoing   B. much outgoing 
  ore outgoing   D. a little outgoing
  18. Would you tell me________?
  A. what does he want  B. what he wants 
  C. what did he want  D. what he would want
  19. Did you remember the hotel ________we stayed in last summer?
  A. which  B. where  C. when  D. why
  20. .---Where is David?
  ---He _______ to Turpan . He _____ the day before yesterday.
  A. went , left       B. has gone , left  C. has been, has left  D. has left, went
  21. More than twenty ______ students are having an important esam at the moment.
  A thousands      B thousands of     C thousand      D thousand of
  22. Listen! ______  beautiful music the pianist is playing!
  A. How a       B. What a      C. What        D. How
  23. 7. I am busy ____ the book and I will try ____ it to you tomorrow.
  A. reading , returning   B. to read, to return   C. reading , to return   D. to read, returning
  24. - --How far is it from the hotel to ____ university?
  ---It is just ____ 700-metre walk from here.
  A. a , an       B. the , a       C. an , a        D. the , an

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