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  英  语  试  卷
  Part 1   Listening
  I. Listen and choose the right picture. (本大题答案必须用2B铅笔填涂。) (共6分)
  A                        B                             C
  D                  E                  F                   G
  1.         2.          3.        4.        5.         6.            
  II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.
  (本大题答案必须用2B铅笔填涂。) (共10分)
  7. A) At the restaurant. B) At the market.   C) At the man’s home.  D) At the woman’s home.
  8. A) She is sick.                       B) She has a lot of work to do.        
  C) Her son has got hurt.               D) She has e back from the hospital.
  9. A) The environment.                  B) The weather.         
  C) The life.                         D) The food. 
  10. A) To the park.     B) To the post office. C) To the library      D) To the airport.
  11. A) Book exhibition.                   B) Car exhibition.
  C) Food exhibition.                   D) puter exhibition.
  12. A) Red.            B) Yellow.        C) Green.            D) Blue.
  13. A) An old friend.    B) A waitress.   C) A shop assistant.    D) A er.
  14. A) Saturday. B) Friday. C) Sunday.        D) Monday.
  15. A) Britain.   B)Australia.        C) China.         D) Japan.
  16. A) They are travelling by plane.   B) The woman enjoys the trip.
  C) The man has an easy job.   D) The man likes his job.
  III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.
  (本大题答案必须用2B铅笔填涂。) (共7分)
  17. Fred could get a new car after he sold the old one.
  18. Fred wanted to learn how to be a good businessman.
  19. Nobody showed interest in Fred’s old car.
  20. Fred put signs everywhere to sell his old car.
  21. Fred had to pay if he wanted to drive his car into the town.
  22. The clerk wanted to buy Fred’s car for two dollars and fifty cents.
  23. The clerrprised when Fred gave him the car keys.
  IV. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks. (共7分)
  24. Mr Chow was born in _____.
  25. He was born on Lamma Island, just ______ Hong Kong harbour.
  26. He watany _____ movies when he was a little boy.
  27. He answered an advertisement in a ______ and began his acting career(生涯).
  28. At first he was put on a training programme for _____.
  29. He bee ______ in the early 1980s.
  30. He began _____ awards in the middle 80s.
  Part 2   Vocabulary and Grammar
  V. Choose the best answer. (本大题答案必须用2B铅笔填涂。) (共26分)
  31. We had       eight-day holiday in October last year.
  A) a               B) an             C) the              D) /
  32. The 5th East Asian Games were held _______ Deber, 2009.
  A) in              B) on              C) of              D) at
  33. Mrs Green asked the kids to help _____ to the food and drinks.
  A) they             B) them           C) themselves       D) their
  34. Neither of the scarves fits you. You’d better try on _____ one.
  A) other            B) the other        C) another          D) others
  35. The artist bee well known _____ .
  A) in his thirties     B) of thirty         C) about thirty      D) the thirtieth
  36. James usually goes to work       his bike.
  A) by              B) on             C) in               D) with
  37. He was so unlucky yesterday that everything seemed to ______ .
  A) go wrong        B) go on           C) go over          D) go up
  38. There is still ______ time left. You don’t need to hurry.
  A) few             B) a few           C)  little           D) a little
  39. Stories with dramatic endings are much ______ .
  A) interested       B) more interested    C) interesting      D) more interesting
  40.  ______ we to do the survey right now? Can we do it later?
  A) Need          B) Ought            ust           D) Should
  41. As a writer, Ann travels ______ to look for all kinds of facts that can give her more ideas for her books.
  A) closely         B) excitedly         C) widely         D) accurately
  42. I want _____ coffee _____ tea at the moment. I’d prefer a cup of iced juice.

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