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  • 更新时间: 2010/3/26 17:30:40
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  I. Listening prehension:24%
  Part A   Short Conversation:
  1. A. 15 minutes.      B. 45 minutes.         C. 50 minutes.            D. 30 minutes.
  2. A. Polian and driver. B. Polian and thief.
  C. Teacher and pupil.  D. Director and actress.
  3. A. In a factory.      B. In a shopping mall.   C. At an airport.             D. In a restaurant.
  4. A. The seventh anniversary.  B. The eighth anniversary.
  C. The ninth anniversary.  D. The eleventh anniversary.
  5. A. Harry is still seriously ill.  B. Harry has almost recovered.
  C. Harry feels the same as before.  D. Harry is still troubled by illness.
  6. A. The man hates physics very much.
  B. The man is selfish. He doesn’t like to help others.
  C. Physics is the favorite subject of the woman.
  D. The man will help the woman with physics.
  7. A. They plan to make the meeting room into a reading room.
  B. The man agrees with the woman about the plan.
  C. The man disagrees with the woman about the plan.
  D. The man is afraid there will be no meeting room at all.
  8. A. They are crossing the street when the red light is on.
  B. There are no traffic lights at all.
  C. One of the two persons is blind.
  D. Both of them are very careful.
  9. A. Christina.     B. The man.            C. Both Christina and the man.   D. Nobody.
  10. A. Some students at the back cannot hear the professor.
  B. The professor has changed his reading assignment.
  e of the students are not on the professor’s list.
  D. The professor has brought extra of his assignment.
  Part B   Passages
  Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.
  11. A. It was crying. B. It was dying.         C. It was sitting.             D. It was sleeping.
  12. A. To have a rest. B. To save her baby.
  C. To protect herself.  D. To prevent the nightmare.
  13. A. It was a message to the baby’s father.
  B. It had already been sent out when found.
  C. The mother hoped that her baby could survive.
  D. The mother wouldn’t like the message to be found.
  Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.
  14. A. Students call their teachers Professor Smith, Mrs. Jones and so on.
  B. Students discuss their ideas with their teachers.
  C. Students have to take many exams.
  D. Teachers dress formally.
  15. A. Swimming pools. B. Fast food restaurants.

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