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  • 资源大小: 311 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2010/2/23 14:24:14
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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约4350字。 答案为扫描。
  1. What is the conversation about?
  A. puter sales. B. A job interview. C. An Internet meeting.
  2. What do we know about the man in the conversation?
  A. He knows nothing about puters.
  B. He is very clever at answering questions.
  C. The woman will offer him the job.
  3. Who is the woman?
  A. A teacher. B. A friend. other.
  4. Where did the man live three months ago?
  A. In a student house. B. With a family. C. In his own house.
  5. What is the man’s problem in studying?
  A. They student house is too noisy.
  B. The puter room is busy.
  C. The course is too difficult.
  6. What can we know about the woman from the conversation?
  A. Curious. B. Talkative. C. Helpful.
  7. Who is the man speaking to?
  A. People who are interested in puters.
  B. Students who like designing furniture.
  C. People who enjoy learning languages.
  8. How can we benefit from the Fair?
  A. You can get free books and free tickets.
  B. You’ll get a lot of information about new jobs.
  C. Experts will talt the best way to learn language well.
  9. How much will a student pay for the Fair.
  A. £3. B. £5. C. £2.50
  10. What may be the man’s purpose from the conversation?
  A. He wants to find a suitable job.
  B. He wants to get a suitable partner.
  C. He wants to marry the woman.
  11. What kind of people might he prefer?
  A. A serious person. B. A practical person. C. A rich person.
  12. What’s the man’s possible favor according to the talk?
  A. Sightseeing. B. Running a restaurant C. Writing news reports.
  13. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
  A. At the railway station. B. In the post office. C. In a shopping center.
  14. How much is first class?
  A. $8.20 B.$4.90 C.$6
  15. What can we learn from the conversation?
  A. The man didn’t put down a return address.
  B. The man bought two sets of glasses.
  C. The man paid $14.20 in all.
  Member name Ms. (16)___________________ Jones
  Date of birth (17)____________________,1977
  Address Apartment 1,72 (18)______________, Highbridge
  Post code 2085
  Phone No. (19)___________________(Home) 94561309(Work)
  Driver’s licence No. (20)__________________
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