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  • 更新时间: 2009/11/22 19:06:17
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  I. 单项填空(共20小题共20分)
  1. A new cure for the disease is ______to be discovered.
  A. like B. likely C. possible D. probable
  2. The hot line helps to keep the leader _____ what’s happening at eaoment.
  A. informing of B. informed of C. be informed to know D. is informed
  3. He looked tired. He seemed ______a sleepless night.
  A. to have B. he had C. having D. to have had
  4. ._____ made the school proud was ____ more than 90% of the students had been admitted to niversities.
  A. What, because B. What, that C. That, what D. That, because
  5.Mum demanded the boy _______ at once, aiming to catch up with his ates soon.
  A. to take action B .take action C. should have taken action D. taking action
  6. The angry woman left the shop angrily, _________ not to e again even once.
  A. determined B. determining C. to determine D. being determine
  7. Please find some books that ______these matters.
  A. light upon B. give light upon C. throw light upon D. throws light upon
  8. ______ by a desire _____ traveling abroad, I decided to have a good knowledge of geography.
  A. Driven, to B. Driven, for C. Drived, for D. Be driven, to
  9. There is ______ furniture in that old-fashioned house, which was built in the 17th century.
  A. a variety of B. a large number of C. a good many D. a lot of
  10. I ____ him not to walk on the ice but he ____ listen to me.
  A. persuaded, didn’t B. persuaded, wouldn’t C. warned, couldn’t D. warned, wouldn’t
  11.Every second of my spare time is made full use of _____ my skills at creating _______.
  A. improving, science fiction B. improving, scientific fictions
  C. to improve, science fiction D. to improve, science fictions
  12. My car ______ on the halfway and it led to my being late for the meeting.
  A. broke down B. brop C. gave out D. gave off
  13. Why don’t you put the meat in the fridge? It will _____ fresh for several days if so.
  A. be stayed B. stay C. be staying D. have stayed
  14. ________ more careful, you ______ the winner in the petition now.
  A. Been, would be B. Had you been, are
  C. If you had been, would be D. If you were , would be
  15. This project _____ considered thoroughly and I’m sure it______ finished on time.
  A. must be, may be B. should be, can be ay be, must be D. can be, should be
  16. Father made a promise_______ I passed the exam, he would buy me a bike.
  A. that B. if C. whether D. that if
  17. -------Who do you suppose will be made President of the club?
  A. It depends on B. It depends C. It relies on D. It all relies upon
  18. It is time to _____ a lawyer since the old man has almost no breath left.
  A. call in B. call on C. call up D. call for
  19. Look! What a _____ building! The birds are flying _____ in the blue sky.
  A. highly, high B. highly, highly C. high, high D. high, highly
  20. It was in the hotel _____ I first met the professor known to the public.
  A. where B. that C. which D. /
  II. 完形填空(共20小题共20分)
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