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  • 资源类别: 通用 / 高中试卷 / 高二上学期试卷
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  • 资源大小: 193 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2009/10/16 11:28:34
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1、What is Mr. Hopkings probably?
  A、A sailor. B、A captain. C、A traveler.
  2、How does the woman go to work in London?
  A、By bus. B、By subway. C、By car.
  3、What do the man’s words mean?
  A、Everything must be done perfectly.
  B、Do as well as you can. C、It’s no need doing everything perfectly.
  4、What will the speakers do tomorrow?
  A、Have a picnic. B、Visit the Summer Palace. C、Go to the Great Wall.
  5、When do the students have to be at school in the woman’s hometown?
  A、From 8:30 a.m. to 3:00pm. B、From 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 pm.
   8:00 a.m. to 5:00pm
  6、Why did the woman go to the doctor last year?
  A、She had a bad cold. B、She had a headache.
  C、She had a toothache.
  7、What can we learn from the conversation?
  A、The doctor uses a lot of idioms when speaking to his patients.
  B、The man and the woman are from different places.
  C、It’s hard for the man to understand the local accent in Detroit.
  8、What is the man’s opinion on the lecture?
  A、Very dull. B、Not impressive at all. C、Interesting.
  9、What does the woman think of the lecture?
  A、She has the same opinion as the man does.
  B、She thinks poorly of the lecture.
  C、She thinks highly of the lecture.
  10、Why does the woman think coal won’t be important any longer?
  A、People will use atomic energy as power.
  B、People don’t have any modern machinery.
  C、The coal gets less and less.
  11、Where is the man going to travel?
  A、Washington. B、Honolulu. C、Chicago.
  12、How much will the man probably pay for the ticket?
  A、$952. B、$515. C、$476.
  13、Which flights is the man going to take for his round trip?
  A、Flight 220 and Flight 515. B、Flight 515 and Flight 476.
  C、Flight 220 and Flight 576.
  14、What can we know about the summer courses from the conversation?
  A、Students only need to study part-time.
  B、Each course lasts for four weeks.
  C、Students need to worrs a week.
  15、When will the second course begin?
  A、On July 3. B、On July 20. C、On July 24.
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