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  Test for Unit 1
  题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分
  听 力 部 分(25分)
  听力材料:W:Did you see any fish when you were at the beach?
  M:No,I didn't.But I saw quite a few birds.
  ( B )1.What did the boy see when he was at the beach?
  A.Fish.       B.Birds.       C.A dog.
  听力材料:W:I heard you went to the Mount Hua last week.Did you climb to the top?
  M:No,we didn't.It started to rain in the afternoon,so we went back.
  ( C )2.Why didn't the boy climb to the top?
  A.Because it was hot.       B.Because he was tired.
  C.Because it was rainy.
  听力材料:W:How was your trip,Ben?
  M:It was great.I bought a dress for you and a model plane for Mike.
  ( A )3.What did Ben buy for the girl?
  A.A dress.  B.A book.  C.A model plane.
  听力材料:W:My family went to Shanghai in 2016.It is really a big city.
  M:Yes,it is.I visited there in 2015.
  ( A )4.When did the man visit Shanghai?
  A.In 2015.  B.In 2014.  C.In 2016.
  听力材料:W:Why didn't you go to Hangzhou by plane?It is fast.
  M:Yes,it is.But it is also expensive.So I took the train.
  ( B )5.How did the man go to Hangzhou?
  A.By plane.  B.By train.  C.By bus.
  听力材料:W:Good morning,Allan.How was your weekend?
  M:Good morning,Lily.It was great.I went to the beach with my parents.
  W:Did you have a good time?
  M:Yes,we did.We enjoyed the sunshine and played games.
  W:Sounds great.
  ( B )6.Who did Allan go to the beach with?
  A.His friends.  B.His parents.  C.His brothers.
  ( C )7.What did they do on the beach?
  A.They had a picnic.       B.They took photos.
  C.They played games.
  听力材料:W:Tom,did you go to London by train or bus?
  M:Oh,I drove there with two of my friends.
  W:How long did you stay there?
  M:We stayed there for three days.
  W:Did you do anything special?
  M:It rained on the first day.And we visited London in the rain.It was cool!
  ( A )8.How did Tom go to London?
  A.By car.  B.By train.  C.By bus.
  ( B )9.How many days did Tom stay in London?
  A.For two days.  B.For three days.  C.For four days.
  ( C )10.How was the weather on the first day?
  A.It was cloudy.  B.It was sunny.  C.It was rainy.
  听力材料:  Molly spent her summer vacation in China with her parents.The family took the plane and arrived in Shanghai first and stayed there for four days.“There are so many tall buildings in Shanghai,”Molly said.Then they took the train to Beijing.They stayed in Beijing for a week and visited some famous places.They also went to zoos and parks.Their third stop is Xi'anTest for Unit 2
  题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分
  听 力 部 分(25分)
  听力材料:W:What do you usually do on Saturdays?
  M:I often play basketball with my friends.
  ( C )1.What does the boy usually do on Saturdays?
  ,B)    ,C)
  听力材料:W:I'm afraid I can't meet you at 10 o'clock in the library.
  M:Then we can meet an hour later in the classroom.
  ( B )2.When will they meet?
  ,A)   ,B)   ,C)
  听力材料:W:Jim,how do you usually go to work?
  M:I usually ride a bike.
  ( B )3.How does Jim usually go to work?
  ,A)   ,B)   ,C)
  听力材料:W:What do you usually do after dinner?
  M:I often do my homework.
  ( A )4.What does the boy usually do after dinner?
  ,A)   ,B)   ,C)
  听力材料:W:Which picture do you like best,Toby?
  M:The one with a blue bird in the tree.
  ( B )5.What can you see in the tree?
  ,A)   ,B)   ,C)
  听力材料:W:What do you usually do on Saturday,Jim?
  M:I usually go to the library near my home.
  W:Wow!I usually stay at home and watch my favorite program.Do you often watch TV?
  M:No.I hardly ever watch TV.
  ( A )6.What does Jim usually do on Saturday?
  A.He usually goes to the library.
  B.He usually goes to the museum.
  C.He usually goes to the beach.
  ( C )7.How often does Jim watch TV?
  A.Sometimes.    B.Never.     C.Hardly ever.
  听力材料:W:Hello!May I speak to Jack,please?
  M:Hi!This is Jack speaking.Who is that?
  W:It's Karen.Would you like to go boating with me tomorrow?
  M:Sorry.I have to help my dad wash the car.
  W:How often do you help your father wash the car?
  M:Only once a weeally on Saturday.
  Test for Unit 3
  题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分
  听 力 部 分(25分)
  听力材料:W:Frank,who do you want to give the card to?
  M:My mother.She teaches Chinese in a school and she works very hard.
  ( A )1.What's Frank's mother?
  ,A)   ,B)   ,C)
  听力材料:W:Mir new bicycle looks so cool!
  M:Oh,my father bought it for me yesterday.
  ( C )2.What did Mike's father buy him yesterday?
  ,A)   ,B)   ,C)
  听力材料:W:Where did you go on vacation last month?
  M:I flew to Beijing with my parents.
  ( B )3.How did the boy go to Beijing?
  ,A)   ,B)   ,C)
  听力材料:W:What do you usually do on the weekend,Jack?
  M:I usually read books in the library.
  ( C )4.Where does Jacally go on the weekend?
  ,A)   ,B)   ,C)
  听力材料:W:How did you get the information about the competition,Sam?
  M:Er,from television.
  ( B )5.How did Sam get the information?
  ,A)   ,B)   ,C)
  听力材料:W:Larry,Sam is your best friend,isn't he?
  M:Yes.He is shorter but more outgoing than me.
  W:What do you usually do after school?
  M:We often do our homework first and then play ping-pong together.
  ( B )6.What is Sam like?
  A.He is tall and outgoing.    B.He is short but outgoing.
  C.He is short but hard-working.
  ( C )7.When do Larry and Sam play ping-pong?
  A.After work.  B.After arriving home.
  C.After finishing their homework.
  听力材料:W:Hi,Tom!You look very happy today!
  M:Oh,yes,Claire.You know what?My good friend Mark will come to see me from Hong Kong.
  W:Oh,really?When will he arrive?
  M:Tomorrow afternoon.And he will stay here for seven days.
  W:What does he look like?
  M:Er,he is tall and thin.He plays tennis well.When he comes,we can play together.
  ( A )8.When will Mark reach Tom's city?
  A.Tomorrow afternoon.  B.Tomorrow morning.
  C.This afternoon.
  ( C )9.How long will Mark stay?
  A.For three days.   B.For six days.    C.For a week.
  ( B )10.What is Mark good at?
  A.Playing the drums.       B.Playing tennis.
  C.Playing basketball.
  听力材料:  Tim and Jack are twins.As you can see,in some ways they look the same,and in other ways they look different.They both have big eyes,and they are both tall.So they look very handsome.They both like sports.They always play basketball together.But Tim is quieter than Jack.Jack is more outgoing.Jack is better at telling jokes than Tim.So Jack is more popular.As for subjects,Jack likes math best,but Tim likes English best.
  Names Same Different

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