《Foreign Food》教学设计

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  课题 Book 8  Module 3 授课时间 第 14 周-------第 15 周
  项目 内容 备注
  目标   本模块以Foreign Food 为话题,讲述中英的一些饮食文化。学生通过本模块的学习,可以增进对饮食文化知识的了解,提高听、说、读、写等各项技能。Reading and Vocabulary  部分由两篇文章构成。 文章选取第一人称形式讲述了两位作者对中国和英国饮食文化的感受。使学生在学习新词汇,摄取文化知识的同时更深刻地体会东西方文化的差异。各项任务、题目的设置旨在提高学生阅读能力,培养良好的语言感觉及鉴赏能力。
  重点 (1) 学习与饮食文化有关的重要词汇。
  (2) 学习掌握一些日常用语。
  (3) 了解东西方饮食文化。
  (4) 复习定语及定语从句。
  难点 (1) 准确掌握本模块单词的发音,拼写;能够正确,灵活使用重要词汇以及短语。
  (2) 牢固掌握定语及定语从句的相关知识,并能够正确运用。
  (3) 运用本模块所学知识及表达方法讨论东西方饮食文化的差异。
  课时量 六个课时
  教学手段 图片;录音机    
  Period 1 Introduction, Vocabulary
  Teaching Goals:
  1. To arouse Ss’ interest about food culture.
  2. To get Ss to learn some words related to food culture.
  Teaching Procedures:
  Step 1. Leading-in
  T: Hello everyone, what did you have for your breanch today? (Ss may give various answers: bread, milk, eggs, noodles, porridge, deserts; rice, steamed-bread, meat, varieties of vegetables. Then show Ss some wonderful pictures about food.)
  T: They are very attractive, right? So you can guess we’ll talt food today. First, let’s come to some new words.
  Step 2. Vocabulary
  1. Ask Ss to read the new words of module 3 themselves and find out the words difficult to pronounce.
  2. Ask Ss to read after the teacher.
  3. Ask Ss to practice the pronunciation of the new words themselves.
  4. Check some Ss’ pronunciation of the new words and correct their mistakes if any.                                                                                                 
  Step 3. Introduction
  1. Leading-in
  T: Boys and girls, from the pictures I just showed you, you can see food is not only what we live on, but also a kind of art and culture. Next, let’s come to some quotations on page 29 in the textbook, and see how some foreign people thint food.
  2. Discussion
  (1) Get Ss to read through the quotations and discuss what they mean.
  (2) Ask Ss to pict one that impresses them most, decide whether they agree with it or not, and give out reasons. Then choose several Ss to present their ideas.
  3. Explanation
  Get Ss to find out the difficult points within this part in groups. Then help them master the basic usage of some important words and phrases in Introduction.
  Everything you see I owe to Spaghetti. (Line 1, page 29) 一切源于食物。
  owe  vt
  (1) 欠 (钱,物,债等),后面常跟双宾语,即owe sb sth 也可以说owe sth to sb
  ① I owe Tom 150 dollars. 或 I owe 150 dollars to Tom.
  ② I owe you an apology.
  (2) 应当给与……;归因于……; 由于……
  ① We should do the duty which we owe to the family.
  ② I should owe my progress in English to my teacher.
  Step 4. Homework
  Ask Ss to review the new words learnt in this period.
  Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary (1)
  Teaching Goals:
  1. To get Ss to know some differences between Chinese food culture and British food culture.
  2. To get Ss to learn some new words during reading.
  3. To improve Ss’ reading ability.
  Teaching Procedures:
  Step 1. Revision
  1. Allow Ss a few minutes to read the new words and check the pronunciation with their deskmates.
  2. Ask some Ss to read the new words.
  Step 2. Reading
  1. Leading-in
  T: From your presentation we can see that the food you like may not be interesting to others. It is especially true to people from a different culture. Today, we’ll deal with two passages, and see how the writers feel about foreign food.
  2. Fast reading
  Ask Ss to go through the texts in Reading and Vocabulary (1) quickly and finish the exercises of Activity 3 on page 31. Then check the answers.
  3. Intensive reading
  Ask Ss to read the texts carefully once again, and then finish the following exercises.
  (1) Match the words with the correct meanings.
  ① obsess           (a) wonderful
  ② banquet (b) wanting to eat more than you need
  ③ appetite          (c) to thinch about something
  ④ fabulous         (d) a very large meal for a lot of people
  ⑤ greedy           (e) to press into small pieces
  ⑥ leftovers         (f) the feeling wanting to eat
  ⑦ mash            (g) a type of food considered very special
  ⑧ unrecognizable    (h) a place where food and drink are served
  in a school, factory, etc.
  ⑨ canteen          (i) food left from an earlier meal
  ⑩ delicacy          (j) not easy to recognize
  Suggested Answers:
  ①—(c) ②—(d) ③—(f) ④—(a) ⑤—(b) ⑥—(i) ⑦—(e) ⑧—(j)
  ⑨—(h) ⑩—(g)
  (2) Ask Ss to decide whether the following statements true (T) or false (F) for Passage 1.
  ① The writer thinks Chinese people often don’t care about food a lot.
  ② When the first six or seven dishes came to the table, every else tasted only a bit of every dish, because they didn’t have a good appetite.
  ③ When more dishes arrived, the writer didn’t want to continue.
  ④ Lots of foreigners couldn’t mat why Chinese people eat almost every part of every animal.
  ⑤ The writer doesn’t think he can get used to Chinese Choudoufu.
  Suggested Answers:
  ①F ② F ③ F ④ T ⑤ F
  (3) Ask Ss to read Passage 2 and find out the answers to the following questions.
  ① At what the writer was amazed the first time she ate British food?
  ② What does cold food mean in Chinese culture?
  ③ What’s Chinese sense of beauty about food?
  ④ Names of British foods are easy to remember? And why?
  ⑤ What does the writer thint the way British people eat?
  Suggested Answers:
  ① The writer was amazed at the easy and graceful manner of the British people.
  ② Cold food means “poverty” in Chinese culture.
  ③ Chinese dishes can photographed and have a nice appearance.
  ④ Names of many kinds of English food are hard to remember, for they often use French or Italian words.
  ⑤ The British people eat in a polite manner according to the writer.
  Step 3. Post-reading
  Ask Ss to make a brief comparison of Chinese food/food culture with British food/food culture.
  Step 4. Language Points
  Ask Ss to find out the important and difficult language points in the passage. Then give them some Explanation.
  1. be obsessed with  迷住; 为……所困扰
  David was obsessed with a girl he had just met.
  A lot of girls are obsessed with their weight.
  2. No wonder my fellow guests had had only a few bites of each dish; … (Line 3, Para 2, Page 30) 怪不得跟我一起的客人每道菜也就浅尝几口;……
  No wonder 作“难怪,不足为奇,十分自然”解,为正式用法,实际上是“It is no wonder”的省略形式。其后接that从句, that可以省略。
  ① The handbook is practical. No wonder (that) they like it very much.
  ② No wonder (that) you can’t sleep when you eat so much.
  3. It was quite hard to mat what they contained. (Line 7, Para 1, Page 31) 很难弄清楚他们究竟是什么做的。
  mat 有多种意思,后可加名词、代词、带疑问词的不定式、that 从句等:
  (1) 认出
  I can just mat the writing.
  (2) 理解,明白
  I can’t mat what he wants.
  (3) 填写,开出
  Mat a list of the boo need.
  4. Cold food means poverty. (Line 19, Para 1, P31) 冷的食物意味着贫穷。
  poverty  n
  (1) 贫穷,贫困;
  Many elderly live in poverty.
  (2) 缺少, 贫乏, 不足(of, in)
  There is a poverty of colour in her work.
  the poverty line 贫困线
  at the poverty line 在贫困线
  below the poverty line 在贫困线以下
  A third of the population is living at or below the poverty line.
  5. I also learned that the English like to mix food before serving it at the table. (Line 1, Para2, P31)   我还知道了英国人喜欢食物端上桌之前把它们混起来。
  serve  v
  (1) 服务,为……工作
  ① serve the people heart and soul全心全意地为人民服务
  ② Make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China. 古为今用, 洋为中用。
  (2) 招待, 侍候;上饭菜
  ① serve coffee hot把咖啡趁热端上来
  ② What may I serve you with? 您要些什么?
  (3) 服刑,服役
  He has served five years of his sentence.
  6. …it was only after I had tasted it that I knew it was actually cooked with mushrooms.
  7. go against  违反;违背。
  what’s more 此外;而且。在此做插入语
  8. But one thing I do admire is the polite manner in which British people eat, … (Line 3, Para 3, P31) 但是有一点我很钦佩,那就是英国人吃饭时的礼貌态度。
  admire  vt
  (1) 称赞,钦佩,羡慕
  I admire (him for) his courage.
  (2) 欣赏,观赏
  We stopped to admire the view.
  Step 5. Homework
  1. Ask Ss to review what has been learnt in this period.
  2. Ask Ss to preview Grammar (1) & (2) and finish Activity 2 and 3 on page 33.
  Period 3 Grammar (1), Grammar (2)
  Teaching Goals:
  1. To review attributes and attributive clause.
  2. To mase the grammatical rules freely.
  Teaching Procedures:
  Step 1. Revision
  Purpose: To see whether Ss have mastered what they learned in the last period.
  Ask Ss to translate the following sentences. Then choose some Ss to present their translation orally.
  (1) —他昨天工作了一整夜。      —难怪他开起来这么疲惫。
  (2) 我不明白您的意思。
  (3) 不要大手大脚地乱花钱,否则你最终会成为乞丐的。
  (4) 嘴里吃着东西说话是不礼貌的。
  Suggested Answers:
  (1) —He work worked a whole night yesterday.
  —No wonder he look so tired.
  (2) I cannot mat what you mean.
  (3). Stop spending so fast, or you’ll end up as a beggar.
  (4). It’s bad manners to talk with your mouth full.
  Step 2. Grammar (1)
  1. Ask Ss to read the sentences in Activity 1 and discuss what can be used as attributes.
  Suggested Answers:
  Adjectives, numbers, pronouns, non-finite verbs, nouns can be used as attributes.
  2. Ask Ss to map sentences by using attributes of the categories listed above.
  For your reference:
  (1) I don’t like selfish people. (adjective)
  (2) Tom lives in a three-storey building. (adjective)
  (3) I haven’t received his letter yet. (pronoun)
  (4) The man injured in the car accident was sent to hospital immediately. (v-ed)
  (5) The sleeping baby is her little brother. (v-ing)
  (6) Do you have anything to say? (infinitive verb)
  Step 3. Grammar (2)
  Give Ss the following presentation about attributive clauses.
  1. 定义
  2. 用途/作用
  3. 关系词
  4. 关系代词引导的定语从句
  (1) 关系代词在定语从句中代替人或物:
  who, whom用来代替人,who在从句中作主语或宾语,whom在从句中作宾语。
  注意:that比较灵活,好多情况下可以和 who, which互用。但是在下面情况下,一般只用that:
  ① 现行词为不定代词anything, everything, nothing, any, little, one, few, much, all, none等时, 如:
  He is one of the few that can wort in five minutes.
  There isn’t much that I can do.
  ② 当先行词是形容词最高级或被形容词最高级修饰时,如:
  The book is the best that I have ever read.
  This is the biggest laboratory that we have ever built in our university.
  ③ 当先行词是序数词或被序数词修饰时,如:
  It is the third one that I’ve bought. 
  This is the first place that I’ve ever visited. 
  ④ 当先行词被the very, the only修饰时,如:
  Is this the very museum that you visited the other day?
  This is the only book that I need at present. 
  ⑤ 当先行词包含了人和事物两方面的含义时,如:
  They talked of things and persons that they remembered in the school. 
  ⑥ 当先行词被same修饰,且指“同一物品”时,如:
  She is wearing the same dress that she wore yesterday.
  ⑦ 关系代词在从句中作表语时,如:
  This is no longer the place that it used to be.
  He is not the man that he was.
  (2) 关系代词引导定语从句时应注意的几个问题: 
  ① 关系代词没有数的形式,它既可以指代单数先行词也可以指代复数先行词。因此,当关系代词在从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的数由先行词的数      决定。如:
  I can’t be the only woman who isn’t wearing jewellery.
  Second, electricity can now be made from the water which rushes through the base of the dam. 
  ② 在从句中作宾语的关系代词常常可以省略。如:
  Have you found the book (that) you want?
  ③ 当关系代词紧跟介词,作介词宾语时,不可用that,只能用whom或which (即that不能作介词宾语)。如:
  The book from which I got lots of useful information was written by a famous teacher
  Who is the boy with whom you were talst now?
  ④ 定语从句通常紧跟在先行词之后,但有时二者之间可能有其他词语。要在阅读时观察清楚。如:
  On August 28,1963, King made a speech to thousands of black people that immediately became world-famous. 
  Cave paintings have been found which are at least 20,000 years old and are perhaps the oldest form of art yet discovered on the earth. 
  5. 关系副词引导的定语从句
  关系副词when, where, why在从句中分别作时间、地点和原因状语。关系副词在意义上常常相当于一个“介词+which/whom”的结构。
  (1) 关系副词从句中所作的成分:
  when (=at, on, in, during which) 作时间状语;
  where (=in, on, at which) 作地点状语;
  why (=for which) reason 作原因状语。如:
  This is the room where (in which) I lived three years ago.
  This is the bridge where (on which) you took photos.
  I still remember the day when (on which) I joined the Youth League.
  The reason why (for which) he missed the bus was that he got up late.
  (2) 关系副词引导定语从句时应注意的几个问题:
  ① where 的先行词可以是有地点含义的抽象名词,如:
  He has reached the point where a change is needed. 他已经到了改弦易辙的地步。
  ② why 的先行词只有reason一词。有时why可以省去,有时why可以用that代替,如:
  That is no reason why you should leave.
  That’s one of the reasons (why) I as to come.
  The reason that he died was lack of medical care. 
  ③ 因为关系副词when表时间,where表地点,why表原因,好多人一看到表示时间、地点、原因的名词就分别想到关系副词when, where, why, 这样考虑问题是不全面的。我们必须既考虑先行词的意思,又考虑先行词在从句中所作的成分。只有这些词在从句中作状语时才应该选用关系副词when, where, why, 否则要用适当的关系代词。试比较:
  This is the factory where he works. (where在从句中作状语)
  This is the factory that/which he visited last week. (that/which在从句中作visit的宾语)
  May the fourth is the day that/which we Chinese people will never forget. (that/which在从句中作forget的宾语)
  October 1, 1949 is the day when the people’s Republic of China was founded. (when在句中作状语)
  ④ 为了使句子显得简洁,定语从句有时可以和名词性从句相互转换或替代。when, where, why引导的定语从句同其先行词一起可以转换成相应的名词性从句。
  This is the place where he was born. → This is where he was born. (表语从句)
  That is the period when he lived here. → That is when he lived here. (表语从句)
  That is the reason why he spoke. → That is why he spoke. (表语从句)
  He knows the place where you live. → He knows where you live. (宾语从句)
  ⑤ way后面可以跟in which/that/how引导的从句。当the way in which/that/how作为一个整体说明动词时,是方式状语从句;当the way 在句中是名词,后面由in which/that/how (现代英语中how较少用)引导的从句则是定语从句。
  We admired him for the way (in which/that/how) he faces difficulties. (定语从句)
  Do it the way (in which/that/how) you were taught.  (方式状语从句)
  Do it the way in which/that/how you were taught (则说明动词do的方式)

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