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  Unit 4 Pygmalion
  类别 新课标要求掌握的项目
  题 1.Talt literacy work.
  2.Read and act a play.
  标 重点词汇 adaptation, plot, hesitate, musical, unfortable, troublesome,
  brilliant, n, antique, bathtub, promise, horrible
  词组 in terms of, in amazement, make one’s acquaintance, pass ...off as...
  show...in, the other day, take away, onore, in need of
  型 1.be convinced of…/that-clause
  2.every time
  法 Revise the Past Participle as the adverbial(过分作状语)
  Given another chance, he will do it better.
  Lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.
  The teacher stood there, surrounded by a group of students.
  能 1.Conjectures(推测,猜测)
  I wonder whether…I think it’s because…
  Is it possible that…? Do you know if…?
  How do you feel about…? What do you thinld make…happier?
  Surprised, disappointed, upset, kindly…
  3.Judgement and evaluation (判断与评价)
  Perhaps you could do more…I thin look perfect, but…
  I thin need more practice.
  Teaching aim: Master the new words and expressions.
  STEP 1. Pronunciation correcting
  Read after the teacher or the tape twice. Then the teacher asks the students to read words by themselves.
  Step2. Skills in memorizing the new words
  The teacher analyzes the structure and usage of the new words briefly.
  STEP 3. Consolidation of the words and expressions
  ★ 单词翻译
  1.n.适应,改编本________________ 2.n.情节,阴谋________________
  3.n.教授________________ 4.Vi.犹豫,踌躇________________
  5.adj.不舒服的,不安的_________ 6.adj.麻烦的,心烦的___________
  7.n.结果,效果_______________ 8.adj.错误的,不正确的____________
  11.Vt.显露,背叛_______________ 12.Vt.开除,让...离开______________
  15.n.相识,了解________________ 16.n.机会,运气________________
  17.adj.较高的________________ 18.n.身份,职位________________
  19.adj&n.优秀的,上级____________ 20.n.发音,读法_______________
  21.adj&n.珍贵的,文物_______ 22.adj&n.音乐的,音乐喜剧_________
  23.n.&Vi.妥协,折中______________ 24.adj.可怕的,愉快的___________
  25.Vi.&n.啜泣,抽噎______________ 26.adj.使人反感的______________
  27.Vt.俯视,忽视________________ 28.n.字母表________________
  29.Vt&Vi.褪色,减弱__________ 30.adj&n.经典的,著作_____________
  31.adj.有效的________________ 32.Phr.冒充________________
  35.Phr惊谔地________________ 36.Phr一般来说________________
  37.Phr就...来说________________ 38.Phr带...进来________________
  39.Phr几天前_________________ 40.Phr带走,取走_______________
  41.Phr再一次________________ 42.Phr需要________________
  1.to be slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain or nervous----( )
  2.not feeling physically relaxed; ma feel not relaxed----------( )
  3.not correct ;wrong-----------------------------------------------------------( )
  4.to arrange something in groups according to features in mon----( )
  5.to officially remove sb from their job-------------------------------------( )
  6.to express very strong disapproval of sb/sth-----------------------------( )
  7.better in quality than sb/sth else; greater than sb/sth else--------------( )
  8.an object such as a piece of furniture that is often valuable-----------( )
  9.extremely unpleasant; unacceptable and shocking---------------------( )
  10.of effect---------------------------------------------------------------------( )
  1.This is an a_________________ of her play for radio.
  2.Her face b______________ that she was very disappointed with the boy.
  3.The waste is c____________ into many groups by him.
  4.He was in d______________ and nobody could recognize him.
  5.He looked at the poor boy d____________________.
  6.The enemy forces were s_________________ in numbers.
  7.His illness _________________(注定)him to be in bed all the time.
  8.They refused to ________________(折中)their principles by doing deal with the terrorists.
  9.She’s still______________(犹豫)about sending her son to college.
  10.She ________________(忽略)his rudeness and tried to pretend nothing had happened.
  11.He has a wide circle of ____________________.(熟人)
  12.The play was a __________________(杰出的)success.
  STEP 4. Homework
  1.Learn all the words and expressions by heart.
  2. Preview the text and finish discovering useful words and expressions.
  Teaching aims:
  1.understanding the general meaning of the new text to train the reading ability of the students
  2. 德育目标:要勇于改变自我,不能满足于现状,充分挖掘自己的潜力。
  STEP 1. Warming up
  Ask the Ss whether they know the Greek story of Pygmalion. If they know, tell the story.
  Picture 1________________________________________________.
  Picture 2________________________________________________.
  Picture 3________________________________________________.
  Further question:
  Will Pygmalion and his statue-wife be happy? Give your opinion.
  STEP 2. Pre-reading
  Have you seen the film “My Fair Lady”(《窈窕淑女》)?
  Read the information on the main characters below. Think of a possible plot.
  STEP3. Fast reading
  1.what is the main idea of the play?
  A. The poor flower girl, Eliza, found Higgins to buy some flowers for her.
  B. A person’s language and behavior decides on his/her position in society.
  C. Colonel Pickering found Higgins outside a theatre of London.
  D. Higgins made his acquaintance with Pickering.
  2.The flower girl was worried because____.
  A. she thought she did something wrong.
  B. she didn’t have the right to sell flowers.
  C. she didn’t want Higgins to write down what he said.
  D. she thought Higgins was a polian in disguise.
  3.Why did Higgins make notes while he was watching the flower girl?
  A. He thought it was interesting.
  B. He wanted to know what the girl wanted to do.
  C. He wanted to study something about phonetics from the girl.
  D. He was a polian in disguise.
  4.From __, Higgins got to know the girl e from the west end of London.
  A. her clothes B. her language C. her look D. her job of selling flowers
  5.According to Higgins, if the flower girl was educated well to speak properly, she can do the following EXCEPT___.
  A. pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador’s garden party
  B. serve as a lady’s maid
  C. bee a shop assistant
  D. sell more flowers
  STEP4. Listening
  STEP5. Careful reading
  prehending Practice (SB P30)
  STEP6. Discovering useful words and expressions
  STEP 8.Homework
  1.Preview the second text
  2.Reading task
  第三课时Extensive Reading
  Teaching aims: 1. Improve Ss’ability of reading further
  Listen to the tape and know something more about the second act of the play in which Pickering makes a bet with Henry.
  Read the text carefully, understand every sentence and find any difficult point. Put forward them and discuss together
  Pay attention the main words, phrases and sentences.
  2. 我欣赏我自己,因为我能发24个明显的元音,你能发130个却击败了我.
  STEP4. Consolidation (SB, P35, 1---3)
  STEP1. Listen to/reading the passage to understand the main idea of the passage.
  STEP2. T explains some difficult points.
  STEP3. Answer some questions about it.(P75 Parts1-2)
  Homework: Read the passage fluently and recite some parts
  Teaching aims: Teach and study the language points to grasp and use them freely
  1.把…改制成,做成______________ 2.给…安排任务______________
  3.举起______________ 4.伪装的,假扮的______________
  5.移交,让与______________ 6.冒充______________
  7.结识,与…想见______________ 8.一把,少数的______________
  9.惊讶地______________ 10.就…来说,从…角度______________
  11.属于______________ 12.专心,全神贯注______________
  13.带/领…进来______________ 14.有点,稍微______________
  15.几天前______________ 16.带走,取走______________
  17.不止是,岂只是______________ 18.需要______________
  19.支持,处理______________ 20.逐渐模糊,渐淡______________
  2.A gentleman passes and hesitates for a moment.
  4.I thought maybe you was a polian in disguise.
  6.But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths.
  9.I rather fanyself because I can pronounce twenty-four distinct vowel sounds; but your hundred and thirty beat me.
  10.I’d never have e if I’d know about this disgusting thing you want to do to me.
  Warming Up
  1. In pairs either tell the story to your partner if you know it or wort together.
  [要点导航] wort 计算出
  You can ____________________ by _______________________.
  See if __________________________________________.
  (1) 详细拟订(计划,方案等),周密地想出;
  He ________________________________________________.
  (2) 刻苦完成,巧妙处理;
  I _________________________________________________.
  (3)(口语中) Vi.结果成为…
  work at从事于,在…上班work on致力于
  work up刺激,煽动work one’s way 费力前进,努力获得
  at work 在工作in wort of work 有职业/失业
  off work在休假的,未上班的set/put sb to work 使(人)开始工作
  works of art___________________ a gas works__________________
  the works of a clock______________ public works_________________
  2.Professor Higgins: an expert in phonetics, convinced that the quality of a person’s English decides his/her position in society.
  [要点导航] convince Vt.使…确信,说服
  (1)convince sb of
  I try to _________________________________________________.
  (2)convince sb that
  Her smile ________________________________________________.
  (3)convince sb to do sth 说服某人去做
  [思维拓展] convinced adj.确信的,坚定的
  be convinced of /that
  I’m convinced of _______________= _____________________________.
  convincing adj.有说服力的,另人信服的convincingly adv. 有说服力地
  3.A gentleman passes and hesitates for a moment.
  [要点导航] hesitate vi.迟疑,踌躇,犹豫,感到迷惑
  hesitate over/at/about 关于/做…犹豫不决
  She ________________________between __________________________.
  hesitate (about) wh…是否做…犹豫不决
  hesitate to do…迟疑于做…
  [思维拓展] hesitation n.犹豫,踌躇
  hesitating adj.犹豫的hesitatingly adv.犹豫地
  for a moment 一会儿for the moment 暂时
  in a moment 一会儿at the moment 此时
  He will be here in a moment. 他一会儿就来。
  At the moment I am working. 此刻我正在工作。
  4.There you are and you e from the west end of London, born in Lisson Grove if I am not mistaken.
  [要点导航] mistaken adj.
  be mistat sb./sth. be mistaken in doing sth.
  a mistaken idea______________ mistaken kindness_______________
  [思维拓展] mistake vt.弄错,误会,误解
  mistaken sth 弄错地址________________________
  mistake …for …把…误认为…
  by mistake 弄错(adv.)
  5.But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths.
  [要点导航] betray
  (1)背叛(某人),出卖(国家,朋友)给…betray …to…
  betray ___________________ to ________________.出卖国家给敌人
  The officer betrayed the secret to his friends.
  betray + n./ that/ what
  The expression on his face betrays his anger.=
  The expression on his face betrays that he is angry.
  betray oneself 无意中露出本性
  Many people will betray themselves when temped by mony.
  betrayer n.背叛者,告密者
  betrayal n. 背叛,卖国an act of betrayal背叛行为
  every time 每一次引导时间状语从句的短语连词,类似的有:
  1).by the time 到……的时间
  By the time he was fourteen years old, he had learned math all by
  himself. 到14岁的时候,他已经自学了数学。
  The truck will have arrived by the time you have all the things
  2).eae/every time 每次……
  Eae I meet an Englishman, he starts off the conversation with
  some ment on the weather.
  Every time I call on him ,he is out. 我去拜访他,他总是不在。
  3).the first time 第一次……
  He had impressed me that way the first time I met him.
  4).next time 下一次……
  Next time you e in, please close the door.
  5).all the time 一直;始终
  He sat quietly all the time she sang. 她唱歌时,他一直静静地坐着。
  6).the moment (or the minute, the instant)一……就
  The moment I saw him I knew that there was no hope.
  I recognized you the minute I saw you. 我一看见你就认出你来了。
  I sent you the news the instant I heard it .
  6.The English that will n her to the gutter to the end of her days.
  [要点导航] n 责难,责备,谴责某人;判处…有罪
  n sb to sth / to do sth
  The judge ned him ___________________.(死刑)
  [思维拓展] be ned/sentenced to death 被判处死刑
  nation n.责难,判罪
  7.The girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador’s garden party.
  [要点导航]pass …off as…冒充,自我吹嘘为…
  He passed his secretary off as his wife.
  pass off (时间)消逝,(怒气)消失,进展顺利
  pass away 死亡,断气,消失
  pass by时间经过,从旁边经过,避开,忽视
  pass through穿过,通过,经历
  pass out 昏厥,醉倒
  pass down/ on传递,流传
  8.And I e to England to mar acquaintance!
  [要点导航] acquaintance n.
  (1)/C/ 相识,熟人
  (2)/U/ (亦用an acquaintance)认识,相识,…的知识(with)
  I have an acquaintance with him.
  make sb’s acquaintanake the acquaintance of sb. 结识某人
  on/upon (further) acquaintance 经过更深入的了解后
  gain acquaintance with 得以熟悉
  cut/drop one’s acquaintance with 与…绝交
  [思维拓展]acquaint vt.使…知道,告知,使…熟悉(with)
  acquaint oneself with 熟悉,通晓,精通
  be/get/bee acquainted with 与人相识,熟知,精通
  acquaintanceship n./U/ 相识,交际,交际范围
  9.Oh,take that.(carelessly throws a handful of money into her basket).
  [要点导航]a handful of 一把的,少数的(人)
  We invited 12,but ________________________________________.
  a handful (口语)难控制的人或动物
  That young fellow is quite a handful.
  a basl of __________________ a bagful of__________________
  a mouthful of ____________________ a pocl of_________________
  10.(Looking at the colleoney in amazement)Well, I never!
  [要点导航] in amazement adv.惊讶地,吃惊地
  in/with amazement “惊讶地”,同义词为in astonishment, in surprise.在此结构中表示“处于...状态”.
  to one’s amazement=to the amazement of sb.“使人惊讶地是”
  amaze vt. 使某人感到吃惊
  be amazed at/ to do sth/ that...
  amazing adj.另人惊异的; amazed adj.感到惊异的
  amazingly adv. She’s amazingly clever. 她出奇地聪明.
  The carpet is far __________________________________________.
  a superior wine/whiskey 上等威士忌/酒
  [思维拓展] be superior to 比…高明be inferior to低于…
  be senior to比…年长(资深) be junior to比…年幼(资浅)
  superior n. 上司,长辈,长官,优越的人
  12.Correct all these sentences in terms of grammar, spelling etc, so that she can use them properly.
  [要点导航] in terms of 就…来说,从…角度
  ___________________________________,it is one of the poorest countries in Western Europe.(从自然资源来看)
  What have you done ____________________________________________.
  [思维拓展] terms 关系,情谊,条件,措辞,说法
  be on good/friendly/bad terms (with sb.) 与…关系好/亲密/不好
  be on speaking terms (with sb.)
  At last they are on the speaking terms again! 最后他们终于说话了.
  e to/make terms with sb 达成协议
  e to/make terms with sth.逆来顺受,屈服于…
  you’ll have to e to terms with the fact that…
  in no uncertain terms 清楚而有力的
  on equal terms (with sb.) 平等相处,地位相等
  on one’s own terms 按某人决定的条件
  in the long/short term 长期/短期
  Using Language
  13.Henry Higgins and Colonel Picking are sitting deep in conversation.
  [要点导航] deep in sth 专心,全神贯注于…,深陷
  [思维拓展]形容词短语deep in sth 在句中做状语.
  同样用法的还有:lost, determined, absorbed, interested, seated, dressed等.
  14.I rather fanyself because I can pronounce twenty-four distant vowel sounds…
  Fancy having a fool like that for a husband!
  I fancy a ride.我很想乘车去兜兜风。
  We can’t ____________________________________________________.
  I don’t fancy fish today. 今天我不想吃鱼。
  I fancy that girl. 我喜欢那个女孩。
  (3)感叹语气,表示惊奇fancy doing sth 想不到会做某事
  Faneeting you here!想不到在这儿见到你了!
  Fanes winning the petition! 真想不到詹姆斯比赛赢了!
  Fancy seeing you! I’m surprised!想不到会见到你!出乎意料!
  n. 想象,设想,爱好
  That’s only your fancy! 那只是你的想象而已.
  I have a fancy for fishing.我有钓鱼的爱好.
  take one’s fancy 使某人欣喜中意have a fancy for 爱好,迷上,入迷
  to one’s fancy 合某人的心意
  fancy oneself (as)自以为是……自命不凡
  He fancied himself as a singer.
  15.Show her in, Mrs. Pearce.
  [要点导航]show...in 带领…进来
  show…out 领出去show sb around 领某人参观
  show off 炫耀show up 出现,来到某处,揭露
  show sth to sb=show sb sth 给某人看某物
  be on show=be shown 在展览
  He never shows off.他从不卖弄自己的才能。
  She loves to show off her new dresses.她喜欢炫耀自己的新衣服。
  These ivory carvings will show off well against black velvet.这些象牙雕刻在黑丝绒的衬托下会非常醒目。
  His show-off only serves to show up his ignorance.
  He showed up only after everyone else had finished eating.
  1).Let me _______________________________.(给你看我的照片)
  2).Scores of advanced cars _________________________________.(展出)
  3).He’s free from any thought of __________________. (买弄)
  4).The dishonest dealing was______________(揭发)in yesterday’s paper.
  5).Why didn’t you ______________(到场)at the meeting the other day?
  6).They ________________________the Forbidden City.(带我们参观)
  7).He likes to ___________________(炫耀)in the classroom.
  16.She is so deliciously low.(promises) Ok, I will teach you.
  (1)vi. 作出妥协,让步promise with sb on sth
  Such conduct will promise your reputation.
  The minister _________________(名誉受损)by his association with the inal.
  n. /U//C/妥协,和解,让步
  The dispute between the two countries was solved by promise.
  reach/arrive at/wort a promise 达成妥协
  make a promise with 与…妥协
  promise用作动词或名词常与介词on ,between搭配.
  17. I’d never have e if I’d know about this disgusting thing you want to do to me.
  [要点导航] disgusting adj.令人厌恶的
  What a disgusting smell!
  The bad fish had a disgusting smell.
  disgust n. 厌恶;恶心;憎恶vt. 使厌恶;使作呕disgusted adj.感到厌恶的;厌烦的
  The smell filled me with disgust.
  We’re all disgusted at the way her husband has treated her.
  This smell disgusts me.
  18.She is in need of both.
  [要点导航] in need of 需要in need 处于穷困中
  The hungry children were in need of food.
  in disguise 乔装
  His illness bee a blessing in disguise, when he married his nurse.
  Disguise vt.乔装;隐瞒;掩饰
  He disguised himself as a woman.
  The soldiers disguised themselves by wearing white garments in the snow.
  It is impossible to disguise the fact that finance is bad.
  19.But you can not overlook that!
  [要点导航]overlook vt. 忽略;没注意;漏看
  You have overlooked several of the mistakes in this work.
  The secretary is very careful and never overlooks any little points.
  The house on the hill overlooks the village.
  20.How about beginning with the alphabet…(fades out as they go
  off stage together)
  [要点导航]fade out (声音,画面)逐渐模糊,渐淡
  (1) vt.& vi. (使)…褪色,(使颜色)…消退
  Her youth and beauty faded suddenly.
  fade away (从视野中,听力范围中,记忆中)逐渐消失,模糊不清;
  All memory of her childhood had faded away.
  The crowd had just faded away.人群刚刚散去.
  She’s fading away.她已经奄奄一息了.
  fade-in n. 渐强,淡入fade-out n. 渐弱,淡出
  1.We didn’t plan our exhibition like that but it _____very well.(NMET2001)
  A. wort B. tried out C. went on D. carried on
  2.It’s certain that he’ll ____his business to his son when he gets old.
  A. take over B. think over C. hand over D. go over
  3.People have planted a great many trees in order to __ wind and sand in the desert.
  A. hold down B. hold up C. hold back D. hold out
  4.I____Tom___ his brother, because they are so alike.
  A. mistake, for B. mistaken, / C. take, as D. by, mistake
  5.The attack by terrorists has been ___by the entire world.
  A. ned B. scolded C. criticized D. blamed
  6.The party ____ well and was a success.
  A. passed off B. passed out C. passed on D. passed by
  7.He suddenly ___ at the sight of a lion in the forest.
  A. passed out B. passed down C. passed through D. passed by
  8.we have been acquainted ___each other for a long time.
  A. over B. for C. by D. with
  9.Most co-workers thinperior __the manager though he is an ordinary employee.
  A. with B. by C. over D. to
  10.I’m __ good terms ___ Mary and she is my good friend.
  A. on, / B. /, with C. on, with D. with, on
  11.The graduates can choose their jobs _____.
  A. in their own terms B. by their own terms
  C. on their own terms D. to their own terms
  12.Everybody in the village likes jacse he’s good at telling and ___jokes.(2005,江苏)
  A. turning up B. putting up ap D. showing up
  13.The final proposals were a rather unsuccessful promise __the need for profitability and the demands of local conservations.
  A. in B. between C. at D. to
  14.—I missed the train yesterday.
  -- Why? If you ___earlier, you __ the train.
  A. got up, would catch B. had got up, would catch
  C. got up, would have caught D. had got up, would have caught
  15.Although he has lived with us for years, he __ us mupression.
  A. hadn’t left B. hasn’t leave
  C. doesn’t leave D. didn’t leave
  ★汉译英(WB P72 Translations)
  Homework: Finish some exercises about the language points
  Teaching aims: Revise the Past Participle as the adverbial.
  [自学探究] (SB P32 Discovering useful structures)
  (1)作原因状语,多放在主句之前,相当于because, since, as引导的从句.
  Tired from the day’s hard work, he fell asleep soon.
  =(Because he was tired from the day’s hard work, he…)
  Deeply moved by what he said, I promised to give him some help.
  (2)作时间状语,相当于when引导的时间状语,有时在分词前直接加when, while, until等词可使其表达的时间意义更明确.如:
  When heated, water can be changed into steam.
  Seen from the hill, the town lootiful.
  (3)作条件状语,相当于if, unless引导的从句.
  Given another chance, he can do it better.=(If he is given another chance,...) 如果再给他一次机会,他会做的更好.
  United we stand, divided we fall.团结则存,分裂则亡
  Much tired, he still kept on working.
  (=Though he was much tired, he...)尽管很累,他仍继续工作.
  Lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.
  He turned away disappointed.
  The teacher stood there, surrounded by many students.
  when (it is)heated, water will boil.
  She won’t go to the party, unless (she is)invited.
  (2).过去分词与句子的主语在逻辑上是动宾关系,改为时间,条件,原因,让步,方式状语从句时,从句的谓语动词应用被动语态(表示伴随情况多改为and +并列谓语).而现在分词与其逻辑主语则是主谓关系.
  Seeing in this light, the matter is not as serious as people generally suppose.
  Once to be begun, the project will not changed.
  If to be given more money, I will solve the problem soon.
  (4)过去分词作状语,相当于对应状语从句,不可再用but, so, and, or否则重复.
  Laughed at by everyone, but he had my sympathy.
  Known to all, so he was recognized very easily.
  No matter how well translated, we don’t like it.
  1. And there, almost _____ in the big chair, sat her little brother, who never had to be told to iet.
  A. having lost B. losing C. to be lost D. lost
  [解析]lost in the big chair为过去分词短语在句中作伴随状语。此句的正常语序为:Her little brother sat there...。答案为D。
  2. (2005上海卷)______ into use in April 2000, the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns.
  A. Put B. Putting C. Having put D. Being put
  [解析] 答案为A。
  3. _____ and out of breath, we reached the top of the mountain and stopped _____ the beautiful scenery.
  A. Tiring; to admire B. Being tired; admiring
  C. Tired; to admire D. Tired; admiring
  [解析]tired and out of breath为“形容词和介词短语”在句中作状语。stop to do sth. 停下来去做另外一件事。答案为C。
  1.Well ___, the film is well worth seeing.
  A. directing B. direct C. being directed D. directed
  2.___by the film, he didn’t go to sleep until late into the night.
  A. Deeply moved B. Deeply moving
  oving deeply D. To be moved
  3. ___ from space, our earth, ___ water ___ 70% of its surface, appears as a “blue globe”.
  A. Having seen, the, covered B. Seeing, with, covering
  C. Seen, with, covering D. To see, the, covered
  4.__ of plastics, the machines are light in weight.
  A. Made B. Making C. To be made D. To make
  5.On a long railway journey, with four Englishmen in the carriage, often there won’t be a word ____ during the whole journey.
  A. speaking B. spoken C. to be spoken D. to speak
  6.—Will you go to attend her party?
  --No, _______.
  A. even though invited to B. even if invited
  C. if not invited D. unless invited to go
  7.__ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.(2004,湖北)
  A. pare B. When paring paring D. When pared
  8.___ time, he’ll make a first-class tennis player.(2003,北京)
  A. Having given B. To give C. Giving D. Given
  9.Generally speaking, ___ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect. (2003,上海)
  A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken
  10.The research is so designed that once __ nothing ca be done to change it. (NMET 2002)
  A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun
  11.When ____, the museum will be open to the public next year.
  A. pleted B. pleting (2002,上海)
  C. being pleted D. to be pleted
  12.__ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States. (2000.上海)
  A. Being founded B. It was founded C. Founded D. Founding
  13.___the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation. (2000,北京)
  A. Given B. To give C. Giving D. Having given
  14.___in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.
  A. Dressed B. To dress C. Dressing D. Having dressed
  15.When first ____ to the market, these products enjoyed great success.
  A. introducing B. introduced C. introduce D. being introduced
  Teaching aims:Grasp the functional items of this unit to train the speaking
  and writing abilities
  FUNCTIONAL ITEM ONE: Conjectures(推测,猜测)
  I wonder whether…I think it’s because…
  Is it possible that…? Do you know if…?
  How do you feel about…? What do you thinld make…happier?
  surprised, disappointed, upset, kindly…
  FUNCTIONAL ITEM THREE: Judgment and evaluation (判断与评价)
  Perhaps you could do more…I thin look perfect, but…
  I thin need more practice.
  [话题讨论]What’s you opinion about the Pygmalion Effect?
  What things can show one’s status in society?
  Write down your feeling after learning the change of the flower girl. 教师加工,学生笔记。
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