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浙江省台州市天台县2015年秋初高中英语衔接课《5种基本句型》公开课课件+教案+素材 (3份打包)
Five Basic Sentence Patterns.ppt
Wiz Khalifa - See You Again.mp3
work sheet(5种基本句型).doc
  Work Sheet
  姓名                                 班级                       
  Discuss in pairs and tell the structure of each sentence.
  I am Jim. I’m a student from Yuqing High School. I like reading and swimming. My favorite subject is English. I study hard. I listen carefully in class.
  I like my school very much. The flowers and trees make it so beautiful. I have made many good friends. They are very helpful. I also like teachers here. They are kind and hard-working. They always give us good advice. I often see them working hard in their office. They teach us a lot of knowledge.
  I believe that I will have a happy life in the new school.
  Write a short passage, using the five basic sentence patterns. 
  My New School Life

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