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  • 更新时间: 2016/1/28 8:14:48
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  1. I g      lost in the street yeaterday, I could’t find my way to the hotel.
  2. English is my favourite s         .
  3. We learn much          (知识) at school.
  4. He has      (信心) in himself.
  5. Could you give me some good        (建议)?
  B. 英汉词组互译(10分)
  1. be supposed to                   2. look up            
  3. Merry Christmas!              4. all over the world        
  5.be full of                         6. 对……感兴趣
  7. 把……翻译成…..             8. 在某人的闲余时间
  9.顺便说一句10. 迟到
  1.real(副词)                2. build(过去式)
  3. cross(单三)                4. we(反身代词)            
  5.wife(复数)6. really(形容词)           
  7. make(现在分词)             8.see(过去分词)          
  9. big(比较级)10. poor(反义词)
  ()1.Jenny and Brain are in the same class.
  A. friends  B. students  C.classmates
  (  )2. Finally, Mr. Brown return home.
  A. At first  B. At last  C. Firstly
  (  ) 3. The post office is between the school and the sation. You can’t miss it.
  A. can find  B. can’t find   C. can’t reach
  (  )4. There is not anything in the box.
  A. everything   B. something  C. nothing
  (  )5. Please call me if you have time. My number is 0938-2345678.
  A. cry to  B. telephone   C. call out to
  ()1.She often plays_____ chess .
  A. the  B. /   C. a   D. an
  ()2. The desk __________wood.   
  A. is made of  B. is made from  C. are made of  D. are made from
  ()3. -What’s the time?
  -It’s a quarter to five.   
  A. 15:05   B   5:15  C  4:45  D  5:45
  ()4. This pair of shoes are very nice, can I _______?  
  A. try it on   B. try on it  C.try them on   D.try on them
  ()5. I’d like her    me at the gate.
  A. meet  B. to meet   C. meeting     D. meets
  ()6. I ________an English teacher for ten years.  
  A .have teached  B. have been  C. taught   D. teached
  ()7. Let’s _______shopping tomorrow.  
  A. go  B. going  C. will go  D. to go
  ()8.-Hello! ________, can I speak to Danny please? 
  -Sorry , he isn’t in .Can I take a message for you?  
  A I am Jenny speaking    B This is Jenny speaking 
  C my name is Jenny speaking  D I’m Jenny talking
  (  )9.-________do you visit your uncle ? 
  -Once a week .
  A How often   B How long  C How many  D How much
  (  )10. Will he have _________to tell me? 
  A something important   B important something 
  C anything important    D important anything
  (  )11.My parents asked me      medicine.
  A. to study  B. study  C. studied  D. studies
  (  )12. Her cousin ______swim when he _____six years old.
  A. can, is B. could, were C. could, was D. can, was
  (  )13.Children enjoy ________ computer games.
  A. play B. plays C. playing D. are playing
  (  )14.Mr. Green can ________ Chinese very ________.
  A. speak...good       B. speak...well
  C. talk...well          D. say…well

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