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  Ⅰ.语音 (每小题1分,共10分)
  A) 观察所给单词的读音,从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出其画线部分的读音与所给单词的画线部分读音相同的选项。
  1. have         A. hat            B. save            C. made         D. gave
  2. invented     A. stopped     B. answered         C. helped        D. needed
  3. mother       A. worth         B. think           C. southern      D. health
  4. bank         A. name         B. fine            C. nice         D. uncle
  5. move        A. love          B. who            C. hope         D. dog
  6. cloud        A. mouth        B. dangerous      C. cough        D. courage
  B) 根据下列对话的情景,找出画线句子中一般要重读的单词。
  7. --Excuse me. Is this your dictionary?
  -- No, it isn’ t. It’s hers.
  A. No, hers        B. it, It’s        C. No, isn’t, hers         D. it, isn’t, hers
  8. --Where is Mrs Li?
  -- She has gone to the reading- room.
  A. She, has, gone, reading - room       B. gone, reading - room
  C. has, gone, the, reading - room       D. She, gone, reading - room
  C) 以下每组对话由句子①、②、③组成,指出这三个句子在一般情况下应该用什么语调。
  9. ① Who is taller, Tom or Jane?
  ② Tom.
  ③ How tall is Tom 9
  A.①降调②降调③降调    B.①升调②降调⑧降调
  C.①升调②升调③降调    D.①升调②升调③升调
  10. ①Pardon?
  ③I can’ t hear you clearly.
  A.①升调②升调③降调       B.①升调②降调③升调
  C.①升调②降调③降调       D.①降调②降调③升调
  11.usual(反义词)——    l2.prefer(过去分词)——
  13.twenty—one(序数词)——    l4.true(副词)——
  15.we(反身代词)——    l6.piano(复数)——
  17. The last day of a week is S             .
  18. This is the w           movie I have ever seen. It’s too boring.
  19. China is one of the            (发展中) countries in the world.
  20. Thanks to Ms Liu. I have            (赶上) my classmates.
  Ⅲ.语法与情景交际 (每小题1分,共25分)
  21. There is __________ “s” and __________ “u” in the word “use”.
  A. a, an             B. an, an            C. an, a             D. a, the
  22. What did he have __________ breakfast this morning?
   He got up late so he hurried to school __________ breakfast.
  A. for, after         B. at, after          C. for, without      D. at, with
  23. Do you know __________?
  Yes. It’s about 3,600,000.
  A. what the population of Tianshui is       B. what is the population of Tianshui
  C. how many the population of Tianshui is   D. how much the population of Tianshui is
  24. He didn’t pass the exam, did he?
  __________. He always worked very hard.
  A. Yes, he did      B. No, he didn’t     C. Yes, he didn’t   D. No, he did
  25. I still remember the factory __________ we visited last year.
  A. where            B. that               C. when             D. it
  26. By the time we got to the station, the train __________ already __________.
  A. had, leave        B. had, left          C. have, left         D. had, leaved
  27. She has never been to any foreign countries.
  A. So do I           B. So have I          C. Neither do I      D. Neither have I
  28. How long may I __________ the book?
   Just one day. I will return it to Mary tomorrow.
  A. keep             B. borrow            C. lend              D. kept
  29. He is __________ a cute baby __________ we all like him.
  A. so, that          B. such, that         C. very, that        D. so, because
  30. The weather in Lanzhou is different from __________ in Tianshui.
  A. that             B. one         

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