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  • 更新时间: 2014/11/19 12:57:15
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  (A) 听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。
  (   )1. Where does Simon study?
  A. In Shanghai.    B. In Beijing.     C. In Hong Kong
  (   )2. Which girl is Sandy?
  A. The girl with long hair.
  B. The girl with short hair.
  C. The slim girl.
  (   )3. What does Jack want to do first?
  A. Play computer games.
  B. Play with Susan.
  C. Do his homework.
  (   )4. What does Jim usually do on Sundays?
  A. He does his homework.
  B. He plays with his friends at home
  C. He watches TV at home.
  (   )5. What’s Linda’s favourite sport?
  A Swimming    B. Dancing    C. Volleyball
  (B) 听下面两段对话,对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项。对话读两遍。
  (   )6. Who is Li Hua?
  A. Daniel’s friend.    B. Amy’s friend.   
  C. The newest football player in the school football team.
  (   )7. What is Li Hua like?
  A. He is tall and strong.  B. He is tall.     C. He is strong.
  (   )8. What does Kitty think of his friends?
  A. They’re nice.    B. They’re funny.     C. They’re clever,
  (   )9. Who comes from Shanghai?
  A. Kitty.    B. Simon.   C. Millie.
  (   )10. What is Kitty good at?
  A. Computer games.    B. Football.    C. English.
  (   )11. Where does Lin Tao write this letter? He writes at his______?
  A. home.    B. school.    C. friend’s home.
  (   )12. Lin Tao’s English teacher is _______.
  A. Miss Smith.    B. Miss Gao.    C. Miss Wang
  (   )13. There are_______ classes all day.
  A. four.    B. three.    C. seven
  (   )14. Sue comes from _______.
  A. the USA    B. the UK    C. France
  (   )15. Which is true?
  A. Lin Tao’s favourite game is basketball.
  B. Sue can’t speak Chinese
  C. This letter is from May to Lin Tao.
  二.单项选择  (共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)
  16. My father gave me_____ iPad as my birthday present. _____iPad is white.
  A. a; The B. an; The C.an, An D. 不填; The
  17. --What’s your cousin like?  -- ______
  A. He is 13  B. He likes drawing  C. He is thin   D. He is a student.
  18. The new books are for ______.
  A. him and I B.me and you   C. you and me  D. us and they
  19. We often have a party______ December 25st.
  A. on the evening in    B. on the evening of
  C. in the evening of    D. in the evening in
  20. Kitty ______has lunch at school. She always goes home for lunch.
  A. often

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