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  • 更新时间: 2014/11/19 12:48:54
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  (考试时间:100分钟  总分:100分)
  第一卷  选择题(60分)                    
  A. 听对话,从A、B、C三幅图中找出与你所听内容相符的选项。听两遍。
  (   )1. How will Linda get to Guilin?
  A                      B                       C
  (   )2. What does the man want to do?
  A                      B                       C
  (   )3. What is Kitty’s problem?
  A                      B                       C
  (   )4. What is the lantern made of?
  A                      B                       C
  (   )5. Where do you think the dialogue may happen?
  A. In the police station.    B. In the museum.    C. In the cinema.
  (   )6. Which team won the game?
  A. The Rockets.    B. The USA.    C. The Lakers.
  (   )7. How long will the man stay in Shanghai?
  A. two months B. more than two months    C. less than two months 
  (   )8. What time did Gina go home yesterday?
  A. 8:00. B. 7:30.    C. 6:30.
  (   )9. Who has a big nose?
  A. Jim does.    B. Jack does.  C. Both Jim and Jack.
  (   )10. What do we know about the new teacher?
  A. He often keeps silent(沉默的).
  B. He talks too much.
  C. He has no chance to speak.
  B.听短文,回答11~15题. (听两遍)
  (   )11. Where was I playing football with my classmates?
  A. On the playground.    B. On the street.     C. In the garden.
  (   )12. Who took me to the hospital at once?
  A. My parents.          B. My classmates.    C. The policemen.
  (   )13. During my stay in bed,some classmates________.
  A. sent me some flowers  B. called me every day  C. helped me with my lessons
  (   )14. Did I pass all the exams?
  A. Yes, I did.           B. No, I didn’t.         C. We don’t know.
  (   )15. What will I do my best to do?
  A. I will give all my love to my family.   B. I will give all my love to others.
  C. I will give all my love to my school.
  (    )16. Lost In Thailand is ___ most wonderful film of all , so I want to see it ___ second time.
  A. a, the B. the, a    C. /, a D. /, the
  (    )17. I wanted to ______ at the meeting, but in the end I ______ nothing.
  A. speak; said     B. say; spoke      C. talk; said      D. speak; told
  (     ) 18. Shanghai is bigger than ________ in Japan and bigger than ________ in China.
  A. any city, any other city         B. any city, any other cities
  C. any other city, the other cities    D. any other city, any city
  (    )19. ----I thincy is the best dancer in the world.
  ---- I agree with you. No o

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