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  考试时间:120分钟      试卷满分:150分
  ★ 第一卷 客观题
  (A) 听录音,选图片。根据你所听到的句子选择与其意思相符的图片。(录音播放一遍)
  (B) 听五组短对话,根据对话内容回答问题。(录音播放一遍)
  6. Where are the woman and the boy?
  A. In the library.                       B.     In a restaurant.                                                                                                          C. In the post office.
  7. How’s the weather today?
  A. It’s windy.                      B. It’s sunny.                 C. It’s rainy.
  8. When will the woman have a birthday party?
  A. Next Tuesday.                                                                     B. Next Saturday.                 C. This Friday.
  9. What does Dave look like?
  A. He’s tall.                                                                                                                                    B. He has two big eyes.        C. He has a long face.
  10. How long are they staying in Beijing?
  A. For three days.                                            B. For three months.               C. For three weeks.
  (C) 听长对话,根据对话内容,选择最佳答案。(录音播放两遍)
  11. Where was Sally yesterday?
  A. At home.                                                                           B. At school.                              C. In the park.
  12. What did the boy ask Sally to do?
  A. He asked her to go to the park.     
  B. He asked her to go swimming.                                                                     
  C. He asked her to go for a walk.
  13. What does the man want to buy?
  A. A Chinese-English dictionary.          
  B. An English-Chinese dictionary.                 
  C. A Chinese dictionary.
  14. Where should the man turn left?
  A. At the first crossing.                                                                 
  B. At the second crossing.                                  
  C. At the third crossing.
  15. Which bus can take the man to the bookstore?
  A. No. 7.                                                                                                                                                                                    B. No. 17.                                                                                                                                                                      C. No. 70.
  (D) 听短文,回答问题。(录音播放两遍)
  16. What time does Marp?
  A. At 6:00 am.                                                     B. At 6:30 am.                                                                                          C. At 7:00 am.
  17. How does Mark go to school?
  A. By bus.                                                                                                                                                                         B. By bike.                                                                                                                                                       C. By subway.
  18. Who often tells jokes in class?
0. What does Mark think of his school day?
  A. He likes it.                 B. He doesn’t like it.                                                                                                                 C. He can’t stand it.
  21.      —  Do you often play ______ tennis after school?
  —No, I don’t like sports. I often play______ guitar.
  A. a, the                                                B. the, /                                                                      C. /, the                           D. the, a
  22. —______ do you surf the Internet?
  —About twice a week.
  A. How soon          B. How often                                                                                      C. How long                                    D. How far
  23. —Whose pencil box is this?
  —It _____ be Tom’s. It has his name on it.
  A. must                                                              B. may                C. might                                            D. can’t
  24. —I’m busy with my schoolwork these days.
  —That’s great! You won’t get good grades ______ you work hard.
  A. if                                                                                                                                           B. because                                                             C. unless                                                                             D. after
  25. —What are you listening to?
  —A song by Huo Zun. It ______ beautiful.
  A. tastes                     B. sounds                      C.

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