《Don’t eat in class》ppt33(课件+音频+教案)

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  • 更新时间: 2014/5/20 13:44:11
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新目标七年级下Unit4 Section A 1a-2c课件、音频与教案,课件共32张,图文结合讲解否定祈使句,内容具体、多种练习相结合,适合新授课。

  Unit 4 Don't eat in class A 1a-2c(课件+音频+教案)
    Don’t eat in class 1a-2c 教案.doc
    Section A 1b.mp3
    Section A 2a.mp3
    Section A 2b.mp3
  Unit 4  Don’t eat in class.
  课题 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.      P19 Period 1
  1. Learn the new words & phrases:
  rules, hallway, classroom, Mrs. fight, school Rules.
  2. Learn the key sentences:
  Don’t arrive late for class.    Don’t fight.
  Don’t run in the hallways.     Don’t eat in the classroom.     
  Don’t listen to music in the classroom.     Don’t sleep in class
  Don’t wear hats in class.                Don’t talk in class.
  We can’t listen to music in the classroom.   We Can’t fight at school.
  Can we listen to music, Cindy?
  We can’t listen to music in the hallways, but we can listen to it outside.
  3. Talt the school rules and family rules.
  重    点 Talt the school rules and the target language.
  难    点 Learn to talt the school rules.
  Step 1 Warming up and lead-in
  T: Excuse me. What time do you usually get to school?
  What time does the class begin in the morning?
  T: So you are early for class.  You are a good student. Can you you get to class at 8:30?
  So ,don’t be late for class. We can also say: don’t arrive late for class. This a shool rule.
  Please say the sentence like this: Don’t …. We can’t.... We must...
  S1: Don’t eat in the classroom. S2: We can’t sleep in class
  S3: Don’ wear hats in class.   S4: We can’t talk in class.
  Step 2 Match work(Do 1a )
  1. In this procedure,students will learn to talt different school rules.
  2. Show the pictures and say:“What can you say to him?”
  3. Now please open your books at Page 19.Look at the words on the left.They are words about school rules.Please read them.And we have 5 pictures. Try to match the words with the  pictures.
  Encourage the students to say something about the pictures and do the match work.Tell Ss
  we should obey the rules, don’t break the school rules. We should have good habits.
  Step 3 Listening   ( Do 1b ) 
  T: If you want to be good students, don’t break the school rules. The rules are good for your study. But now here are some bad students. Look! Each of these students is breaking one of these rules. Now there are three students Peter, Amy and Mick. What rules are these students breaking? Please listen to the tape and write the numbers after the names.
  First, asdents to catch 1b’s the meanings & look at the pictures in 1a.    U4 Sa Period 1.ppt

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