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  一、   情景反应(每小题1分,共5分)
  (    )1. A.            B.            C.
  (    )2. A.            B.            C.
  (    )3. A.            B.            C.
  (    )4. A.            B.            C.
  (    )5. A.            B.            C.
  二、  对话理解(每小题1分,共5分)
  (  ) 6. What does Sandy want to be when she grows up?
  A. a teacher.    B. a dancer.    C. a singer.
  (  ) 7. What does the girl think of Millie?
  A. She is helpful.    B. She is clever.    C. She is funny.
  (  ) 8. Who swims fastest in the class?
  A. Jack.    B. Danny.    C. Andy.
  (  ) 9. Who thinks English is less interesting?
  A. Betty.    B. Peter.    C. Lily.
  (  ) 10. How much a kilo is the banana more expensive than the apple?
  A. 4 yuan.    B. 6 yuan.    C. 2 yuan.
  三、 长对话、短文理解(每小题1分,共5分)
  (  )11. How does Mr. Fat like vegetables and milk?
  A. He likes them very much.          B. He likes them a little.
  C. He doesn’t  like them at all.
  (  )12. Which is right?
  A. He sleeps 9 hours every night.   B. He eats junk food three or four times a week.
  C. Mr. Fat has a healthy lifestyle.
  (  )13. How many friends does Robert have?
  A. Only one.         B. Two          C. Three
  (  )14. Where is Frank from?
  A. England.         B. America         C. Canada.
  (  )15. Who are outgoing?
  A. Robert and Jim       B. Robert and Frank      C. Frank and Jim
  (  )16.When did Daming usually get up in the winter holiday ?[]
  A.  At  7:30 am .      B. At 7:00 am .       C. At 6:30 am.
  (  )17.What did Daming play in the afternoon with his friend Liu Hai ?
  A. Table tennis .     B. Basketball .           C. Tennis
  (  )18.How long did it take Daming to do his homework in the morning ?
  A. Two hours .   B. Two and a half hours .      C. One and a half hours .
  (  )19.What did Daming’s  father clean on Spring Festival’s Eve ?
  A. The kitchen .     B. The living room .        C. The bedrooms.
  (  )20.Who did Daming visit on New Year’s  Day ?
  A. His aunt .     B. His grandparents .         C. His uncle .
  笔试部分  95%
  一、单项选择  (每小题1分,共15分)
  (  )1. Tom often helps me ________ my math after school.
  A. /            B. to           C. with          D. in
  (  )2. It is time for class. Let’s  stop _______.
  A. playing football              B. play football
  C. from playing football          D. to play football
  (  )3.----- Jack,  is  there  __________ in  today’s  newspaper?
  ----- No, nothing.
  A. anything important           B. something important     
  C. important    anything        D. important    something
  (  )4. They didn’t  come to the meeting ________ the heavy rain.
  A. because         B. with           C. because of        D. for
  (  )5._____ of Wang Lei’s  parents are teachers.
  A. All     B. Every     C. Both     D. Each
  (  )6.It’s  very important ___ us ___learn English well.
  A. to, to         B. for,  for         C. to , for          D. for, to
  (  )7. _________you don’t  give up(放弃),your dreams will come true.
  A. As long as        B. As soon as        C. As well as        D. As often as
  (  )8. To keep_____, we should do more exercise and eat _____junk food.
  A. healthy; more             B. unhealthy; more     
  C. unhealthy; less            D. healthy; less
  (  )9. Ann, _____ the lights when you leave the classroom.
  A. turn on          B. turns on        C. turn off         D. turns off
  (  )10. — _____ do you surf the Internet, Kate?
  — Not often, twice a month.
  A. How long       B. How old      C. How often       D. How many times
  (  )11.I have ____________ homework to do and I’m _______ tired now.
  A. much too; too much   B. too much; too much
  C. too much; much too   D. much too; much too
  (  )12. _____ it was very cold, _____ my friend still went swimming   in Jialing River this morning.             
  A. Although;/         B. Although; but     C. But; although      D./;although
  (  )13.The man has ____friends in this city ,so he often stays at home.
  A  a few     B few     C a little     D little
  (  )14. Which city has _____ population, Qingdao, Shanghai or Jinan?
  A. the bigest       B. the largest       C. the most         D. the fewest
  (  )15. -----Don’t  worry. My mother will look after your baby  .    -----Thanks a lot.
  A. careful enough    B. enough careful
  C. carefully enough    D. enough carefully
  二、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)
  One evening Mr. White took his daughter to a restaurant. They sat down, and there were a lot of  1  in the restaurant. They waited and waited,  2 no waiters came to their table. Mr. White said, “I’m  3 . I can’t wait any longer.” He  4  for a minute and said, “Now I’m going to do something to get a waiter soon.” He went out of the restaurant and telephoned the restaurant, “My daughter is at  5  in your restaurant. She’s wearing a red hat.” The waiter  6  the people. Then he said to Mr. White, “Yes, she’s here. Do you want to talk to her?” “ 7  ,” Mr. White said, “But she hasn’t got any  8  yet. She wants some quickly.” Then he went  9  the restaurant again. He was  10  that a waiter was now at his table.
  (  )1. A. waiters      B. people        C. tables      D. chairs
  (  )2. A. and          B. or            C. but         D. so
  (  )3. A. hungry       B. angry         C. ready       D. tired
  (  )4. A. waited       B. stopped       C. thought     D. slept
  (  )5. A. window       B. a door        C. a table     D. a desk
  (  )6. A. looked for   B. found         C. looked at   D. saw
  (  )7. A. Yes, I do    B. No, I don’t  C. Maybe       D. Sure
  (  )8. A. friend       B. books         C. food        D. milk
  (  )9. A. out of       B. into          C. around      D. through
  (  )10. A. happy       B. afraid        C. sorry       D. unhappy
  三、阅读理解  (每小题2分,共30分) 
  Mr Smith gave his wife (妻子)money every Friday evening. His wife always spent it all the next Wednesday, so that for the next three days she had no money to spend at all. One day Mr Smith asked her,“ But how did you spend all that money?” She answered, “I don’t know . ”So on Friday evening, Mr Smith gave her money together with an exercise book and a pencil. He said to his wife ,“Please write down how you spend the money . ”Next Tuesday, his wife had no money again. Mr Smith took the exercise book to

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