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  • 更新时间: 2012/4/23 13:10:15
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  A                B               C                 D                 E
  1,             2,             3,            4,            5,          
  6, A. 250 yuan.               B. 1,000 yuan.    C. 350 yuan.  
  7, A. In a shop.           B. In a factory.        C. In a reading room. 
  8,A. A second-hand car.   B. A used bike.    C. A new car. 
  9,A. Excellent.           B. Just OK.        C. Very bad.        
  10,A. Sports.            B. Weather.    C. Population.  
  11, When will Peter probably leave?
  A. On July 1st.  B. On July 15th.    C. On July 31st.
  12, What will Jessica do this holiday?
  A. Visit her uncle.  B. Go abroad.  C. Finish her paper.
  13, What is Gina looking for?
  A. A white dress.   B. A T-shirt and jeans.  C. A white Jacket.
  14, Where will she go?
  A. To a birthday party.  B. To an English evening. C. To a dinner party.
  15, What does her father suggest her to wear?
  A. A white dress.   B. A T-shirt and jeans.  C. A white jacket.
  16, What can you bring with you when you’re going to a dinner party?
  A. Some expensive presents.             B. Some flowers.     
  C. Some food.        
  17, You should arrive on time or not more than        late.
  A. five minutes    B. fifty minutes  
  C. fifteen minutes       
  18, If you don’t know how to use the fork and knife, what can you do?
  A. Watch and follow other people.    B. Ask other people for help.
  C. Ask the host or the hostess for help.   
  19, If you like the food, what can you say?
  A. How do you cook it?    B. Oh, I like the food very much.
  C. Than for inviting me.    
  20, According to the passage, what is needed after the dinner?
  A. To make a than call.     B. To go and visit them.
  C. To tell them you’d like to go there again.  

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