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  英 语 试 题
  (考试时间:120分钟  总分:150分)
  第一部分 听力 ( 共五大题,满分30分 )
  Ⅰ. 关键词语(共5小题,每小题1分;满分5分) 
  1. A. concert B. cancer C. answer
  2. A. bottles B. pants C. pandas
  3. A. tennis B. ten C. less
  4. A. bits B. beat C. best
  5. A. wap B. tap C. map
  Ⅱ. 短对话理解(共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)
  6. What do people do on Chinese New Year’s Eve?
  A.     B.          C. 
  7. What does the man suggest to do?
  A.      B.         C. 
  8. Why was Peter late for school?
  A.       B.       C. 
  9. What does the  man want to buy?
  A.         B.        C. 
  10. What will the man do this afternoon?
  A.         B.         C. 
  11. Where was Tim just now?
  A. in the classroom B. in the library C. in the hall
  12. What will the woman do in the winter vacation?
  A. travel around B. visit her mother C. stay at home
  13. What isn’t Mary allowed to do?
  A. make her hair colorful B. choose her own clothes C. go out on school night
  14. If Tina wants to go to the library, what should she take with her?
  A. her ID card B. her library card C. her student ID card
  15. What day is it today?
  A. Monday B. Sunday C. Friday
  16. Where is Alice going for vacation?
  A. to Beijing B. to Tibet C. to Shanghai
  17. What will Tony do for vacation?
  A. play beach volleyball
  B. go hiking in the mountains
  C. visit the places of the interest
  18. What’s Lin Hai’s telephone number?
  A. 6128866 B. 6128826 C.6218926
  19. How’s Lin Hai’s uncle coming?
  A. by bus B. by train C. by plane
  20. How long will it take Lin Hai to get home after he meets his uncle?
  A. 25 minutes B. 30 minutes C. 35 minutes
  21. Where is the man sitting?
  A. in the tree B. by the street  C. under the tree
  22. What’s the man eating?
  A. a hamburger B. a hot dog C. a sandwich
  23. What does the policeman do when the man runs down the street?
  A. He says hello to him B. He cheers him up C. He runs after him.
  24. What does the man do?    
  A. He is a doctor. B. He is a cook. C. He is an actor.
  25. Why does the policeman run after the man again?
  A. Because he wants to get thinner, too.
  B. Because he is late for work.
  C. Because he lost his hamburger.
  An Announcement(通知)
  Who Nancy White, a famous 26            
  What A speech on American  27            
  When At 28        o’clock this Friday afternoon
  Where In the school  29       
  What else There’ll be an English 30          after the speech.
  第二部分 英语知识运用 (共三大题,满分55分)
  Ⅵ. 单项填空 (共20小题,每小题1分;满分20分)
  31.  — Did you see Mr.Smith when you were in France? 
  — No. When I _______ France, he _______ to China.
  A.had arrived in; had gone              B.arrived in; has been
  C.got to; had gone                     D. had got to ,had been
  32. He asked me          
  A.which floor did I live                B.which floor I lived in
  C.which floor I lived on                C.which floor I lived
  33 — What about playing football this afternoon, Sam?

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