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  • 资源类别: 译林牛津版 / 初中试卷 / 九年级下册试卷
  • 文件类型: doc
  • 资源大小: 177 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2012/3/28 12:19:56
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
  • 下载情况: 本月:获取中 总计:获取中
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  1. —Who’s        young woman with long hair?
  —She’s a friend of mine.
  A. a    B. an    C. the     D. /
  2. —Have you found your lost mobile phone? 
  —No, I haven’t. But I bought        yesterday.
  A. it           B. one          C. that            D. other
  3. —Do you have anything else to say for your mistake?
  —except sorry.
  A. Something      B. Everything       C. Anything        D. Nothing
  4. —We’ll have a hiking trip, but when shall we meet?
  —Let’s make it half past seven        the morning of May 8.
  A. in    B. on    C. at     D. for
  5. —How far is your hometown from Nanjing?
  —It’s about two        drive.
  A. hour’s       B. hours        C. hours’  D. hour
  6. —Helen, can I wear jeans and a T-shirt to the evening party?
  —Ot a dress might be       .
  A. good          B. well         C. better           D. best
  7. —will supper be ready, Mum? I’m so hungry.
  —In a minute. Go and wash your hands.
  A. How soon      B. How long       C. How much      D. How often
  8. Be polite, young man. You        talk to the old like that.
  A. couldn’t       B. mustn’t          C. needn’t         D. wouldn’t
  9. —What is Mum cooking in the kitchen?
  —Fish, I guess. How nice it       !
  A. looks       B. sounds         C. tastes           D. smells
  10. —Could I speak to Mr Green, please?
  —Sorry, he        a meeting. You’d better call him later.
  A. has      B. had      C. is having     D. was having
  11. —Did you go to Jim’s birthday party last Sunday?
  —No, I       .
  A. haven’t invited   B. didn’t invite     C. am not invited    D. wasn’t invited
  12. Mis s Zhang        the office for a few minutes when I arrived. I didn’t meet her.
  A. has left               B. has been away from
  A. had left                   D. had been away from
  13. —I’m feeling tired these days because of the lessons.
  —Why not ______ some light music

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