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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 初中试卷 / 七年级上册试卷
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  • 资源大小: 58 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2012/1/11 9:47:34
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. There is o______ one telephone in my home.
  2. Is she good at d________ pictures?
  3. Ma Lin and Mang Nam are good table tennis p___________.
  4. Mrs Smith is very W _______ . She can’t find her purse.
  5. I don’t lint. She is not f _________.
  1. Skating is my ________ (最爱) sport.
  2. Don’t _______ (跟随)me.
  3. She is learning Chinese ________ (医学) in her room.
  4 . Lucy and Lily are Listening to their teacher ___________ (仔细).
  5. His school isn’t far from his home. But he has a ________ (问题).
  1. I like doing some ________ (clean) in the morning.
  2. Mr Green is a good teacher. He is very _________ (help).
  3. Mr Brown works in a ________ (child) hospital in Chongqing.
  4. Please look at the two photos. Can you find any _________ (different)?
  5. These _______ (Canada) can speak some French.
  (    )1. The paper plane is ________ the tree. It’s too ________.
  A. on, high      B. in, tall     C. on, tall      D. in, high
  (    )2. They ______ their homework in the evening.
  A. don’t do    B. don’t    C. do, not    D. not do
  (    )3. Tom and Lily learn _______ each other and help each other.
  A. of        B. at       C. from       D. to
  (    )4. There are many _______ in the fridge.
  A. bottle apple juice          B. bottles of apple juice
  C. bottle of apples juice       D. bottle of apple juice
  (    )5. _______ is his English teacher.
  A. Some of the men            B. One of the man
  C. One of the men             D. One of man
  (    )6. These are ____ and _____ rooms.
  A. Lily, Lucy’s           B. Lily’s, Lucy’s 
  C. Lily’s, Lucy           D. Lily, Lucy 
  (    )7. I can see only one sock. Where’s my _______ one ?
  A. others        B. other      C. the other       D. the others
  (    )8. There is something wrong _______ my bike. Can you help me?
  A. of       B. with      C. in     D. for
  (    )9. Li Ping’s Uncle isn’t a worker ________ a doctor. He’s a postman.
  A. and      B. but      C. or      D. no
  (    )10. How old is Miss Lin? Do you know?
  —— Sorry, I don’t t she is not old. She ______.
  A. loong          B. looks fine     
  C. looks very young     D. is not young
  (    )11. There is not _________ in the purse.
  A. some money           B. some money’s  
  C. any money             D. any moneys
  (    )12. It’s time to go to school. Let ___________.
  A. he go     B. him go    C. he to go   D. him t

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