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  • 资源大小: 800 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2011/12/26 8:52:30
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  I 听力部分(20分)
  (   ) 1. What does Tom like doing?
  A     B      C
  (   ) 2. What is Jim’s uncle?
  A     B      C
  (   ) 3. What does the little want to buy?
  A     B      C
  (   ) 4. How does Mike go to school?
  A     B      C
  (   ) 5. What time is it now?
  A     B      C
  (   ) 6. What colour is the box?
  A. Red.        B. Yellow.       C. White.
  (   ) 7. Who is Kate’s good friend?
  A. Mary.       B. Millie.       C. Simon.
  (   ) 8. How many students are there in Jim’s class?
  A. Twent y-two.      B. Forty.        C. Forty-two.
  (   ) 9. Where’s the reading room?
  A. In front of the garden.    B. Behind the garden.
  C. On the left of the garden.
  (   )10. Whose sweater is it?
  A. It’s Nick’s.       B. It’s Linda’s.       C. It’s Linda’s.
  (   )11. When does Mr. Green get up?
  A. At 6:45.       B. At 7:00.       C. At 7:15.
  (   )12. What does he usually do when he has his breakfast?
  A. He usually listens to the radio.        
  B. He usually talks to his family.  
  C. He usually watches TV. 
  (   )13. How many hours does he work every day?
  A. Eight.        B. Seven.       C. Nine.
  (   )14. Where does he have dinner.?
  A. At a restaurant.      B. At school.       C At home..
  (   )15. What does he always do in the evening?
  A. He always plays computer games.  
  B. He always writes e-mails.                  
  C. He always watches TV.
  (   ) 16. ---I like chatting on the phone with my English teacher.
  --- _____________.
  A. Yes, I do     B. Me, too     C. You are right     D. I enjoy it
  (   ) 17. ---What does your grandfather usually after supper?

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