《the Environment》ppt43

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  Unit 2 The Environment
  Project   Protecting the Yangtze River
  Teaching aims
  1)  Let the student realize the environmental problems of the Yangtze River.
  3)  Let them learn about the measures being taken to protect the great river
  2)  Let them know the importance of protecting the Yangtze River and our environment
  Teaching key points
   Know the problems of the Yangtze River has,
   Find out the causes and the measures should be taken.
   Be aware of their responsibility to protect the Yangtze River
  Teaching methods
  1)  Listening to get the general idea
  2)  Ask and answer
  3)  Discussing and writing
  Teaching Procedures
  Step 1 leading in
  T: Show the students pictures of the Yangtze River and read the instructions on page 38. Then let them thint the following questions:
  1) What are the three longest rivers in the world?
  2) As the third longest river in the world, how long is the Yangtze River?
  3) How many provinces does it run cross?
  (Tell them the Yangtze River is China’s most important freshwater river. Not only do people along it rely on it for water but also it is home to all kinds of fish and animals. Then let them name some rare animals in the Yangtze River as many as possible. Later T can show them some typical ones.)
  The names of the rare animals in the river:
   White-flag dolphin (白暨豚)
   Yangtze alligator   (扬子鳄)
   Zhonghua sturgeon  (中华鲟)
  (If the students find it hard to tell their names in English, they can speak in Chines

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