(全国通用)2012届高考英语一轮复习精讲精练学案系列必修1-《Unit 3 Travel journal》

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  Unit 3 Travel journal
  1.The________(设计) could be improved by adding an extra flower or leaving out a leaf.
  答案: design
  2.In fact,most of the Great Wall that we visited was rebuilt in the Ming________(朝代).
  答案: Dynasty
  3.Her brother bought her a________(贵重的) watch as a birthday present.
  答案: valuable
  4.Unfortunately,no one________(幸存) after the plane went down in flames.
  答案: survived
  5.When the first atomic bomb________(爆炸),the whole world was shocked.
  答案: exploded
  6.After a long________(辩论),they finally reached an agreement.
  答案: debate
  7.We must________(挑选) the best players to play for the school team.
  答案: select
  8.On arriving at the hotel,I approached the________(接待) desk to check in.
  答案: reception
  9.After graduation,my sister worked as a nurse in a________(当地的) hospital.
  答案: local
  10.He proved himself innocent by providing a lot of________(证据).
  答案: evidence
  1.in search of      寻找
  2.in return      作为报答;回报
  3.Belong  to     属于
  4.at war               处于交战状态
  5.Less than     少于
  6.Take part     拆开
  7.Think highly of   看重;器重,评价高
  8.Care about          关心;在乎
  9.Rather than   而不是
  10.do with           处理
  11.be designed for   为……设计
  Frederick William Ⅰ,the King of Prussia,________ ________ ________ ________that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.
  答案: could never have imagined
  This was a________ ________the two countries were at war.
  答案: time when

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