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  Unit 4  Language
  广州市第113中学   李峥
  1、 复习现在完成时的基本用法,理解并掌握现在完成时和一般过去时的用法区别。
  2、 启发学生发现并归纳感叹句的基本用法,并在实际交际中运用。
  A. Warming-up:
  1.   Ask answer questions about Beijing Olympics, like: Have you watch the Olympies? Have you heard of Phelps, the famous swimmer? What have you known about Liu Xiang’s dropping out at the Games?...
  2. Revise the use of present perfect.
  B. Presentation
  1. Keep asking and answer questions about Beijing Olympics, like: We know that you have watched the Olympies, then when did you watch it?  / You have known something about Phelps, how did you know about him?... write down the answers, ask Ss to pare and conclude the differences between present perfect and simple past.
  2. Read the examples in Part A and deal with “things to remember”
  C. Practice
  1. plete the conversation in Part A
  2. Discuss the answer in groups, then check the answer with the class
  3. Do more exercises to further understand the difference between present perfect and simple past
  D. Presentation---Exation
  1. Teach the Students to describe their ates and some pictures, using exations
  2. Write down the exations and ask Ss to find out the structures.

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