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  • 更新时间: 2018/6/29 17:24:56
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  1. 考试时间90分钟
  2. 全卷共七道大题,97个小题,总分120分
  3. 所有答案都必须写在答题卡上对应的题号后的指定区域内
  1.I spend_______ hour playing _________drums everyday.
  A. a;the   B. an;/  C. an;the
  2.-What's this in English?
  -___________ a jacket.
  A. This’s   B. Its    C. This is
  3.An earthquake happened in Songyuan, Jilin________ the morning of May28,2018.
  A. on   B. in   C. at
  4.Would you mind ____________down the music? It's too noisy.
  A. to turn    B. turning   C. turn
  5.You can't ________ the bus until it stops
  A. get up  B. get away  C. get off
  6.Work hard, ____________you'll catch up with your classmates next time
  A. and   B. or   C. but
  7.People are supposed____________ hands when they meet for the first time in America.
  A. shaking  B. to shake  C, shake
  8.This is my ____________day to be here.
  A. a second   B. the second  C. second
  9.Here is a banana, please___________ .We'll make a banana milk shake.
  A. cut them up  B. cut up it  C. cut it up
  10.My mother doesn't allow me_ _______outside too late on school nights.
  A. to stay   B. stay   C. staying
  11.Can you give me some_ __________,please?
  A. message   B. suggestion    C .advice
  12.--___________do you like Wolf Warriors II?
  --.Because it's exciting.
  A Why   B. What   C. How
  13.He___________ his grandparents in the countryside last week.
  A .visits   B. visit   C. visited
  14.He asked me_________.
  A. if I would go skating with him
  B. when did I buy the CD
  C ,that I had a good time
  15.Neither you nor he _________good at drawing.
  A. are   B. is   C be
  16.Alice is __________one of the twins.
  A .the taller    B .taller      C. tallest
  17.I ___________this magazine for three months.
  A .have bought  B .have had  C .have borrowed
  18.She is a teacher__ ________has much teaching experience.
  A. whose   B. who   C. whom
  19.Nowadays,most people prefer to________ computer games rather than___________books.
  A. play;reading   B play;read    C .playing; reading
  20.Jim can swim,___________.
  A. neither can l   B. so l can   C. so can I
  The Shirt of a Happy Man
  Once upon a time, in a rich and beautiful country, there lived an unhappy king. He slept 21_____and didn't feel like eating. The queen and his people worried about him very much. One day ,a doctor was called in to examine the t he couldn't find 22__________ with his body. It  was all in his mind. He said the king needed the shirt of a happy person to wear. Then the prime minister, the king's banker and the palace singer were called to the palace. But they all had 23________worries.They weren't happy, either. The prime minister thought many people were trying to 24_________,then he would lose his power. The banker was afraid 25_________ his money. The singer said he couldn't get freedom because he always worried about being followed by 26._________
  27___________,the king's top general was told to go out and find a happy man in three days' time.
  Two days passed, the general still couldn't find a happy man. Everyone had their own
  problems, Just as he was about to give up, he saw a poor man 28________happily on the street. The general didn't understand why the poor man was so happy, though he seemed to have 29__________ power, money or fame. So he went up to the poor man and asked him about the reason. The poor man said he was happy because he had everything he wanted, and he didn't want to have what he couldn't have. Hearing this, the general was excited. The poor man was the Happy Man. So he asked the poor man to give his shirt 30_____the king."Shirt?" said the poor man in surprise, “I don't own any shirts!”
  21. A. badly  B. bad  C. worse
  22.A.something wrong  B. wrong anything  C. anything wrong
  23.A.much  B. a lot of  C. lot of
  24.A.take his place  B. keep his place  C. make his place
  25.A.losing   B .to lose  C. lose
  26.A.the other  B. other  C .others
  27.A.In the end  B .By the end  C. At the end
  28.A.singing  B. sing  C. to sing
  29.A.never  B. not  C .no
  30.A./  B. to  C for

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