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  • 更新时间: 2017/11/15 12:52:35
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  命题:李波   审题:冯美娜
  一、 单项选择(本题共20分,每小题1分)选择最佳答案。
  (    ) 1. Boys and girls, we have this exam in order to test what you’ve learned in the past two months. Believe in yourselves, and you’ll get ________exciting results in all subjects.
  A./                  B. a               C. an
  (    ) 2.  Hi, Greg. Good news!.  The_________ given by Xi Jinping to the 19th CPC National Congress (十九大) came out. We can buy it at Xinhua Bookstores and learn more about our country’s development(发展).
  A. education    B. report    C. discussion
  (    ) 3. --Hi, Eliza, What do you think is the best movie theatre in town?
  -- Screen City. Because it’s _____________ my home.
  A. the closest     B. close      C. the closet to
  (    ) 4. -- __________ do you watch TV?
  -- Once a week. My favorite TV _________ is WHERE’ RE FATHERS. Neinei is so lovely that I like her the best.
  A. How many times, program   B. How often, program  C. How soon, show
  (    ) 5. – How do you usually relax?
  --- ___________ playing computer games.  but I think the best way to relax is _________ exercise.
  A. By, through   B. By, by    C. Through, by 
  (    ) 6. It’s necessary for us to go to the dentist ________________.
  A. for reading books    B. for clean teeth    C. for teeth cleaning
  (    ) 7. When we learn the new words, we can _______ some sentences with them. In this way, we will remember them more easily.
  A. map      B. care about     C. dress up
  (    ) 8. ________ Jasper is always ready to help others, so he is very popular with us.
  A. Four years old   B. Four-year-old   C. Four years’ old
  (    ) 9. I like watching the news every night, because I hope to find out what is _______ around the world.
  A. happen      B. going      C. going on
  (    ) 10. You seem ___________ after two hours’ study. Stop to have a rest, please.
  A. tiring       B. much tired      C. to be tired
  (     )11. -- How many people are still in the burning building?
  -- ________ .  All the people ran out of the building to the safe place .
  A. Nobody        B. Nothing    C. None
  (    )12. --What do you think the teachers in your school are like?
  --I think they are very kind, _____ they loos.
  A. though           B. because           C. if
  (    )13. --Don’t make _____ much noise! We should be quiet in the library.
  --Sorry, but _____ exciting news it is. Our school’s basketball team won the game.
  A. so, how            B. such, what        C. so, what
  (    )14. --Keeping calm is really important when we face some urgent situation(紧急情况).
  -- I can’t agree with you more. For us students, we need to be calm when we have a test. __________nervous (紧张的) you are, __________ mista will make.
  A. the more, the fewer   B. the less, the fewer C. the more, the less
  (    )15. On that day, Lots of children dressed in costumes(节日服装)knock on their neighbors' doors and yell "Trick or Treat" to get candies. It’s ___________ that is celebrated in the western country.
  A. Halloween  B. Christmas     C. Thanksgiving Day
  (    )16. It’s very important to get along with people around you. As middle school students, we can mar study and life easier with some good ssually, we should _____ to be popular with others.     
  ①never do anything to make others in danger
  ②pay for others when we have dinner outside with others every time

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