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  人教版必修二 Unit 3 Computers
  1.She _______(简化) the instructions so that the children could understand them.
  2.I haven’t _________(计算) the result of the maths problem.             
  3. Football is played all over the world, so it is considered a _______(普遍的) game.
  4. The wide ________ (应用) of computers in life will free man from the heavy work.
  5. With the help of the (信号) sent by the survivors, the rescue wornd the trapped explorers.
  6. Since the problem has a______, we should take action at once. 
  7. The boy is very clever and he shows high i_________ in study.   
  8. Though it’s difficult, we should eall the possibilities.
  9. Do not judge a person by his a which may lead to wrong conclusions.
  10. High science and t               leads to fast development of economy.
  第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C  和 D )中,选出最佳选项,并在题卡上将该项涂黑。
  There are two interesting news items in the paper a few years ago. One was about a man who received a bill from the telephone company for $999,999—for three months!The other was about a man who received $2,000 for doing nothing.
  The connection between the two news items is simple:computers—the best invention of the twentieth century. The telephone bill came from a computer which made a big mistake:the man’s bill was only $23.36.The other item was not so interesting. A man walked into the unguarded computer room of a large packaged food company and expertly programmed the computer to pay him $2,000 a month for raw meat which he “supplied” to the company. Of course he never sent the meat,but he certainly received the money. The computer wrote out a bill,and even “signed (署名) it. It was only a random(随便的) checncovered the trick. It could be happening in thousands of other companies all over the world.
  Computers are not the magic workers that some people say they are. They make mistakes,they are sometimes slower than human beings and they are easily fooled. The US used to conscript(征兵) people with the help of a computer. The army sent out a card,which had to be filled in and sent back. It was easy to avoid being called up (应征入伍) simply by spreading candle -wax on the card. The computer couldn’t read the card,and did nothing with it.
  It’s in our everyday life that computers cause many problems. Let’s get bacsing people instead of computers,before a mistake that we can’t put right.
  11.In the first paragraph we know ________.
  A.the paper is telling a lie
  B.the first sentence is the topic sentence

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