《Communication Workshop》ppt15(3份打包)

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北师大版英语模块八Unit24 Communication Workshop-2课件+教案+学案 (3份打包)
  Teaching Plan
  Title Unit 24 Communication workshop   (period 2) Type writing Teacher 张爱英
  Objectives  To know the structure of a discursive essay
   To learn how to write a discursive essay step by step
   To write a discursive essay about car use
   To increase environmental awareness.
  Teaching contents topic Car use
  type Discursive essay
  detail How to plan an introduction,write body paragraphs a conclusion
  Learning strategies  Brainstorming to know more about the advantages and disadvantages of car use.
   Writing by imitating the examples.
   Learning from peers by sharing their writings with their classmates.
  My assumptions about students’ knowledge are:
   Students have some knowledge of environmental protection
   Students have ever learned the structure of a discursive essay.
  Anticipated problems and solutions:
   Ss may not do well in dealing with arguments.
  Solution: provide controlled practice for organizing arguments.
   Ss may have problems in how to design a good discursive essay.
  Solution: Elicit the structure of a discursive essay and practice writing step by step .
  Teaching process
  Stage name Stage aim Time and interaction Procedural detail
  Unit 24   Communication  Workshop
  1. Brainstorm:
  2. Make sentences
  For example:
  Ssentence 1: convenient
  • Cars are extremely popular because they are so convenient.
  Sentence 2: efficient:                                                    
  Sentence 3: bad for the environment                                        
  Sentence 4: dangerous                                                    
  Sentence 5: stressful                                                      
  3. Are the following arguments for or against car use? For(F) Against(A)
  (   )1. Not restricted by schedules as you are with public transport
  (   )2. Comfortable (spacious, cool, radio/CD etc.)
  (   )3. They cause air pollution.
  (   )4. Roads spoil the natural landscape and destroy/disturb wildlife habitats.
  (   )5. Faster than public transport.
  (   )6. Car parks tap valuable space in city centers.
  (   )7. Car accidents result in many deaths and injuries.
  (   )8.Traffic jams lead to stress and "road rage“.
  (   )9. Car use contributes to a faster, less natural pace of life that often results in many diseases.
  Linking words
  • For example, …
  • For instance,… 
  • also …
  • In addition,… 
  • Furthermore,…
  • What is more, …
  • Another argument against car use is that…
  • Another disadvantage of car use is that …
  • Similarly, …
  Your essay:                                                                       

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