《English for you and me》单元检测试卷(含听力)

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  外研版英语九年级下Module 7 English for you and me 单元检测试卷
  第一部分  听力(20分)
  Ⅰ. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案,对话及问题读两遍。
  1. A. Sports.  B. Sweaters.  C. Painting.
  2. A. Hospitals.  B. City parks.  C. Food banks.
  3. A. His mother.  B. His friend.    C. His father.
  4. A. Once a month.  B. Twice a month.  C. Twice a week.
  5. A. Clean his room.  B. Wash his clothes.  C. Do his homework.
  A                 B              C               D               E
  6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______
  Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案,对话读两遍。
  听第一段对话, 回答第11-12小题。
  11. What is the probable job of the woman?
  A. She is a film star.
  B. She is a musician.
  C. She is a football player.
  12. What are they going to do?
  A. They are going to see a film.
  B. They are going to have dinner together.
  C. They are going to enjoy a concert.
  听第二段对话, 回答第13-15小题。
  13. Where will they go to see a film this Saturday?
  A. At Renmin Cinema.  B. At a dirty cinema.  C. At Wansheng Cinema.
  14. What day is it today?
  A. Thursday.  B. Friday.  C. Saturday.
  15. What will they do before this Saturday?
  A. See a film.  B. Play basketball.  C. Dance and swim.
  16. What do people in Australia do for koalas?
  A. They keep koalas in their homes.           
  B. They put koalas in the tree.     
  C. They set up places for koalas to live safely.   
  17. How long does the baby koala live in his mother' s pocket?
  A. For six days.  B. For six months.  C. For a night.       
  18. What does a koala look like when a koala is born?
  A. It’s very big. 
  B. It’s smaller than your little toe.
  C. It’s as big as your little toe.
  19. Why cannot koalas live without a special kind of tree?                
  A. Because they have to keep cool under the tree.
  B. Because they eat the fruit on the tree.
  C. Because they live in the tree and get food from it.
  20. What is the text mainly about?   
  A. How people in Australia protect koalas. 
  B. Lovely koalas in Australia.
  C. Koalas cannot live without a special kind of tree.  
  第二部分  笔试(80分)
  1. ______ Lily ______ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.
  A. Both, and  B. Not only, but also  C. Neither, nor  D. Either, or
  2. We’ll never give up our plan ______ happens.
  A. however  B. whatever  C. whenever  D. wherever
  3. I hope I can continue ______ progress next year.
  A. make  B. to make  C. to making  D. made
  4. ______ Liverpool became an important city for international trade.
  A. In 18th century  B. In the 18th century  C. In the18 century  D. The 18th century
  5. They are in the same school, ______ in different classes.
  A. and  B. or  C. but  D. so

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