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  • 更新时间: 2014/12/25 19:35:40
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  题型 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分
  (   )1.A. B. C..
  (   )2.A. B. .      C.
  (   )3.A. B. . C.
  (   )4.A. B. C.
  (   )5.
  A.             B.   C.              
  (   )6. What does the boy tell the girl to do?
  A. Say sorry to David.    B. Buy a new watch for David.   C. Both And B.
  (   )7. What did Lucy look like last year?
  A. She had short straight hair.   B. She had long curly hair. C. She had long straight hair.
  (   )8. What will Tim be in five years?
  A. A doctor.             B. A student.                C. A teacher.
  (   )9. Which of the following is Mary’s opinion?
  A. There will be more cars in the future. B. There will be fewer cars in the future.
  C. There will be fewer people in the future.
  (   )10. What will the girl do for her mother’s birthday?
  A. She will buy a gift for her. B. She will cook a dish for her.C. She will help her clean the room.
  (   )11. What salad do they make?
  A. Apple Salad.                B. Banana Salad.              C. Fruit Salad.
  (   )12. How many oranges do they need?
  A. Two.  B. Three. C. Four.
  (   )13. How many bananas do they need?
  A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
  (   )14. How much yogurt do they need?
  A. One teaspoon. B. One cup. C. Two teaspoons.
  (   )15. How many apples do they need?
  A. Two. B. Three. C. One.
  16. What is the passage about?   How to make a        sandwich.
  17. How many pieces of bread are there in the sandwich?There are                 .
  18. Does the sandwich have one piece of tomato in it?        , it        .
  19. Does the sandwich have any beef in it?        , it        .
  20. How much gravy does the sandwich need?                    .
  21. Some scientists ____   _____/BI'|i:v/ that it will be difficult to make robots really think liman.
  22. If buildings ______  ___/FO:|/ down with people inside, these snake robots can help look for people under the buildings.
  23. Will we have to move to other _________/'P|QnIt/ ?
  24. _________/PO:/ the milk into the blender.
  25. How much _________/'SugE/ do we need?
  26.Spring Festival (春节)is one of the most important t_______  _____ festivals in China.
  27.His sister always plays a part in s_______  _____ the animals.
  28.My Uncle is a worker.He works in a big f_______  ______.
  29.I think I’ll take a h_______  _____in Hong Kong when possible.
  30.In 100 years books will only be on computers, not on p_______  _____.
  31. I was surprised by all the _______  _____ (pollute) on the beach.
  32. People in western countries like _______  _____ (sandwich)very much.
  33. The boy _______  _____ (mix)the chips with some sugar and ate them happily.
  34. My brother usually ___________(dig) a hole before he plants a tree.
  35. _______  _____ (one) peel some pears, then cut them up.
  (    )36. —How many birds can you see in the trees?  —I can see _____ birds in them.
  A. hundreds of      B. five hundreds     C. hundred of        D. five hundreds of
  (   )37. —Do you like the city life or the country life?
  —It’s hard to say. In the city there is _____interesting, but in the country there is _____ pollution.
  A. less; more     B. more; less       C. more; fewer       D. much; much
  (   )38. I predict he will be an engineer _____ten years because he is so interested in making things.
  A. in            B. after           C. later             D. for
  (   )39. In the future, Kids won’t go to school. They will study ___ home ____ computers.
  A. in, in          B. at, on          C. at , by           D. at; from 
  (   )40. He is happy that he _____in a tall apartment next year.
  A. live           B. lives          C. will live         D. will living
  (   )41. —The banana is too big.    —You can ______ first.
  A. cut up them B. cut them up C. cut it up D. cut up it
  (   )42. After adding some salt into the soup, cook it for ___10 minutes.
  A. other          B. another          C. others          D. the other
  (   )43. —______ bread would you like?     —Three pieces of ________.
  A. How many, breads B. How many, bread  C. How much, breads D. How much, bread
  (   )44.More and more people can______over 100 years old in the future.
  A.live             B.live to         C.live to be         D.have
  (   )45. ——What’s the _____ of the robot?  ——It looks like a bird.
  A.time            B.size           C.shape            D.part

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