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  • 更新时间: 2014/12/25 19:18:49
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  题型 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分
  1.____________  2._____________  3.____________  4._____________  5._____________
  (   )6. What’s the weather like in Harbin in winter?
  A. It’s very warm.        B. It’s very hot. C. It’s very cold.
  (   )7. Does the woman think Jim was the funniest actor?
  A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t.      C. He is the tallest.
  (   )8. What’s the best clothing store in town?
  A. Jim’s. B. John’s. C. Jack’s.
  (   )9. Who did Sam go to the movies with?
  A. Sam.             B. Maria.       C. Jim.
  (   )10. What is the food in the restaurant like?
  A. It’s the most popular. B. It’s the cheapest. C. It’s good. 
  (   )11. When are they going to the movies?
  A. In the morning.    B. In the afternoon. C. Tomorrow afternoon.
  (   )12. Why does the man want to go to the Red Star?
  A. Because it has the most comfortable seats.         B. Because it’s the cheapest.
  C. Because it has the biggest screens.
  (   )13. Where are they going for lunch?
  A. Zhang’s Fast Food. B. Yuan’s Fast Food. C. Wei’s Fast Food.
  (   )14. Why are they going there?
  A. Because it’s close to their school. B. Because it has the most comfortable seats.        
  C. Because it’s cheap and the service is good.
  (   )15. How do they go there?
  A. By taxi.   B. On foot.    C. By bus.
  (   )16. Zhang Lin’s father is a math teacher.
  (   )17. Zhang Lin works hard at some of the subjects.
  (   )18. Zhang Lin wants to be a scientist like Thomas Edison.
  (   )19. Zhang Lin is good at English.
  (   )20. At weekends, Zhang Lin and Jim visit some places of interest and often meet some foreigners.    
  21. My good friend is ____________ /'tQLEntId/ in music.
  22. We____________ /BEUT/ like sports, but he plays tennis better.
  23. True friends____________ /RItS/ for your hand and touch your heart.
  24. How much is a____________/Mi:L/ at Danny’s?
  25. The winner always gets a good____________ /PRaIz/ .
  26. Can you speak l________? I can’t hear you.
  27. My parents are s____________, but I’m funny.
  28.You can set the most c____________ because they have the biggest seats.
  29.They try to look for the most exciting m____________, the funniest actors and so on.
  30. I always get better g____________ than he does, so maybe I should help him more.
  31.Do you know the __________(say)“A year’s plan starts with spring”?
  32. Tina is lazy .He is _______________(hard-working) than Tara.
  33. When people watch the show, they usually play a role in deciding the__________ (win)..
  34. The radio station Oldies 102.1FM is pretty bad. It’s          (bad) than All Talk 970AM.
  35. He is        (quiet) boy in my class. He almost never talks.

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