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  What is the boy going to buy?
  A. Some juice.        B. Some oranges.        C. Some apples.
  1.What does Mike want to buy?
  A.A raincoat.        B.A T-shirt.        C.A sweater.
  2.How often does the bus run?
  A. Every ten minutes    B. Every twenty minutes.        C. Every thirty minutes.
  3.How's the weather tomorrow?
  A. Sunny.        B Rainy.        C. Windy.
  4.Whom did Jenny spend her holidays with?
  A. She threw away the old shoes.
  B. The old shoes are under the chair.
  C. She has never seen the old shoes.
  6.Where is Peter learning to drive?
  A. At AA Driving School.
  B. At ABC Driving School.
  C. At ABB Driving School.
  7.How many lessons has Peter had?
  A.10.        B.140.        C.14.
  8.Where will the two speakers go for the picnic?
  A. By the lake.        B. In the mountain        C. In the park.
  9.How will the two speakers go there?
  A. By bike.        B.                    C. By bus.
  10. Who will go with the two speakers?
  A. Linda.                B. Betty.                C. Jim.
  11.When is Fred going to the United States?
  A. Next Monday.            B. Next Tuesday.            C. Next Wednesday.
  12. How will Fred and Lily communicate with each other?
  A. By writing letters.        B. By making phone calls.  C. By chatting online.
  13. What can we know about Fred?
  A. Fred and Lily win study together in the United States.
  B. Fred will study in the United States for a long time.
  C. Fred's parents want him to work in the United States.
  14. Who is Tommie?
  A. Bob's cousin,            B. Bob's brother.           C. Bob's friend.
  15.What was Tommie like two years ago?
  A. He was outgoing.
  B. He was taller than Bob.
  C. He had a child's voice.
  16. Which of the following is true?
  A. Tommie is still shy.
  B. Tommie studies hard.
  C. Tommie studies at Beijing University.
  17. What time does Cindy get up?
  A. At 6:30.              B. At 7:00.              C. At 7:30.
  18. What kind of drink does Cindy have in the morning?
  A. Tea.                   B. Coffee.             C. Milk.
  19. Where does Cindy work?
  A.At a store.              B. In a hospital.           C. At a bank.
  20. What can we get from the passage?
  A. Cindy works far away from her home.
  B. Cindy stays up late at night.
  C. Cindy takes a train to work.
  A talk by Miss Black
  For Whom: 21. the International _____in our city
  When:   22. at _____on Saturday evening
  Where she teaches: 23. at the university_____
  What to talt Her experiences in Africa:
  24.She_____through through three different countries.
  25.She met a famous______________.
  Attention, please. On Saturday evening, there’s a talk for the International Club in our city by a famous writer, Miss Black. She teaches at the university in England. Well, she’s giving a talk at 8 pm on Saturday evening in the library. I’m sure you’ll find it very interesting. Miss Blacst returned from Africa and will talt all her experiences there. She traveled through three different countries. She met lots of interesting people, including a famous actor. I’m sure the evening will be very popular. Have a good time. Than!
  【2013江西南昌】26. There are lots of restaurants in our town. And most of _____are clean and cheap.
  A. it           B. they         C. us          D. them
  【2013江西南昌】27. She always does very well in the English exams. But she can _____understand English
  radio programs.
  A. always       B. hardly       C. already            D. easily
  【2013江西南昌】28. Lee is new in Nanchang. Maybe he needs a _____for sightseeing.
  A. watch       B. ticket       C. map        D. notebook
  【2013江西南昌】29. I want to relax myself fight now. Would you please change to _____music?
  A. sad         B. loud        C. exciting     D. gentle
  【2013江西南昌】30. There's only one day to go. You _____finish your schoolwork by tomorrow.
  A. can         B. will         C. must        D. may
  【2013江西南昌】31.—I thindents should have mobile phones to call their parents.
  —_____. They often use them to play games instead.
  A. I hope so                   B. I don't agree
  C. No problem                 D. Good idea

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