《Celebrating Me》同步测试

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  Unit 8 Celebrating Me! 同步测试
  (Lessons 57 ~ 64)
  (  )1. A. would like   B. work hard    C. in school
  (  )2. A. speak       B. confident     C. gave
  (  )3. A. read        B. round        C. circles
  (  )4. A. strive       B. bee        C. strike
  (  )5. A. weak       B. meet        C. sings
  (  )1. A. Than very much.    B. Me, too.        C. Happy New Year.
  (  )2. A. I’m from Germany.      B. I’m Japanese.    C. He comes from Canada.
  (  )3. A. The same to you.        B. Happy Christmas.  C. I’m glad to spend it.
  (  )4. A. I help myself.           B. Many thanks.      C. They’re wonderful.
  (  )5. A. No, thanks.             B. Yes, I can.         C. Sure, here it is.
  (  )1. Frank is __________at the school.
  A. a new student       B. a lucky girl         C. an old student
  (  )2. Frank can know the answer about ___________.
  A. the plants           B. the food          C. the animals
  (  )3. Frank lives ________.
  A. in a large house by the zoo        B. in a small house near the zoo
  C. in a small house in the town
  (  )4. Maybe Frank’s father works ________.
  A. in the factory       B. in the school       C. in the zoo
  (  )5. Frank knows a lot about them ________.
  A. by listening to his teacher         B. by watching them for himself
  C. by watching them on TV
  1. He is a _________(成员) of the Communist Party.
  2. They _________(回到) home after school yesterday.
  3. The Young Pioneers clean the rooms for the old grandma ________(自己).
  4. The snow will ________(融化) when spring comes.
  5. He went to school _______(没有) breakfast.
  1. Boys and girls, Help ____________(you).
  2. I have many personal __________.(strong)

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