《Rich or Poor? It doesn’t matter》同步练习

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  Lesson 37 Rich or Poor?It Doesn’t Matter! 同步练习
  Everything comes to him who waits. 凡事需耐心等待。
  1.rich___ 2.old___ 3.happy___ 4.new___ 5.good____ 6.fat____ 7.tall___ 8.long____ 9.thick___
  1.想干某事_____ 2.一座高大的办公楼______ 3.my biggest goal______ 4.make me happy_____ 5.一个幸福的家庭_______ 6.the same as..._____ 7.卢卡斯的抱负____ 8.谈论,讨论_____ 9.at the very top______ 10.like to do sth.______
  1.What’s the boy’s name in the picture?____________
  2.What does the boy want to be ?_________
  3.What does Irfan want to be?______
  4.What macas happy?______
  5.Do you think the teachers are rich?____
  A little pot is soon hot.壶小易热,量小易怒。
  1.Is your father a d__?
  2.Doctors help the people who are s___.
  3.Lily’s a __ is to be a teacher.
  4.Do you want to be a l______ in the future?
  5.His uncle Works in a tall o___ building.
  6.Can you see the park f___ your room?
  7.Mr Green’s w____ is a kind woman.
  8.The weather in autumn is c___.
  9.To be a player is my biggest g___.
  10.Does he have any k___?
  1.My dog’s death makes me _______.
  A.sad   B.sadly   C.happy   D.happily
  2.Happy birthday.____.
  A.Than   B.Thanks very much   C.Thanks a lot   D.Thank a lot
  3.The workers’___ all work in the factory.
  A.child   B.kid   C.wife   D.wives

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