《My Neighbourhood》同步测试题

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  Unit 4 My Neighbourhood同步测试题
  (Lessons 25 ~ 32)
  (  )1. A. dishes            B. wish           C. clocks
  (  )2. A. love             B. coffee           C. which
  (  )3. A. work            B. straight           C. street
  (  )4. A. Danny and I      B. on Monday        C. went to school
  (  )5. A. kinds            B. its               C. wrong
  II、情景反应 根据录音选择正确的应答语。
  (  )1. A. You’re welcome.      B. I’m sorry to hear that.      C. Than very much.
  (  )2. A. Yes, there are.        B. Yes, there is.              C. Yes, it is.
  (  )3. A. They’re over there.    B. No, it isn’t.               C. It’s over there.
  (  )4. A. Yes, they are.         B. No, it isn’t.              C. Yes, there is.
  (  )5. A. Than very much.  B. You’re welcome.         C. Than all the same.
  (  )1. A. On Big Street.      B. On Bridge Street.         C. On Centre Street.
  (  )2. A. A TV shop.        B. A pay phone.             C. A library.
  (  )3. A. A hospital.         B. A supermarket.           C. A post office.
  (  )4. A. At a bus stop.       B. At a library.             C. At a school.
  (  )5. A. A cinema.          B. A post office.            C. A park.
  Turn         (1) off the busy        (2) Avenue(大道) and enjoy the        (3) quiet streets and small         (4). Take a walk          (5) the park on Center Avenue.          (6) from the park is an old hotel.        (7) to the hotel is a small         (8) with an
  (9) garden. This is the        (10) of the garden tour(旅行).
  post office, hotel, library, supermarket, parking lot, park, school, bank, movie theatre, street
  1. If I’d like to post a letter, I can go to the ________.
  2. He is driving his car along a busy _______ called Fifth Ave.
  3. We are going to r money in a ___________.
  4. John went to _______ at the age of five.

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