《Sam’s First Job》模拟试题

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  Unit 11 《Sam’s First Job》模拟试题
  I. 根据句意和首字母补全单词。
  *  1. Mr. Wang has been a taxi driver for 10 years.
  He is an e__________ driver.
  *  2. The novel is w__________ reading. You had better buy one.
  *  3. It is our good habit to s__________ money.
  *  4. Zhang Tao is a h__________ boy. He often helps others.
  *  5. Sam has d__________ papers since he was 11 years old.
  6. Tony showed me how to f__________ the papers.
  *  7. Jimmy p__________ out the houses and told me the names.
  *  8. Can you tell me your email a__________. I want to send an email to you.
  *  9. Zhang Yu has a good m__________. He can remember things.
  *  10. The nature b__________ to the people and animals so we have to protect our environment.
  II. 单项选择:
  *  1. Mr. Brown has worked in the factory __________15 years.
  A. for                           B. before                       C. of                          D. since
  2. Last week I paid 200 yuan __________ a new coat.
  A. in                            B. at                              C. for                         D. on
  *  3. Yesterday Tony bought a scooter __________ 150 yuan.
  A. in                            B. at                              C. on                         D. for
  *  4. It will take me more than half a year __________10000 yuan.
  A. to save                     B. saving                       C. save                       D. will save
  *  5. The teacher showed us __________test papers.
  A. how fold                  B. how to fold                C. how folding            D. to how fold
  *  6. My sister bought a coat __________. It was a bargain.
  A. on sale                     B. to sale                       C. to sell                     D. on selling
  *  7. Mr. Green will teach __________English.
  A. our                          B. us                             C. we                         D. ours
  *  8. My English teacher is __________person.
  A. a experience                                                 B. an experience
  C. an experienced                                              D. a experienced
  *  9. Grace has __________China for five years.
  A. arrived in                  B. been to                      C. been in                   D. come to

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