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  • 更新时间: 2012/10/25 12:36:58
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  第I卷    选择题(共85分)
  A. 情景识图。(听句子,从A,B,C三个选项中找出意思相吻合的图片,每小题听一遍。)
  B. 情景应答。(听问题,从A,B,C三个选项中,找出能回答所提问题的正确答案。句子听两遍。)
  (    ) 6. A. Yes, he is        B. Yes, he does         C. No, she doesn’t
  (    ) 7. A. Every morning   B. Tomorrow afternoon   C. For half an hour
  (    ) 8. A. Millie’s         B. It’s Millie           C. Millie is
  (    )9. A. I’m happy       B. Here it is            C. Than
  (    )10.A. You can         B. I don’t understand    C. Sorry, I don’t have one.
  C. 对话理解。听下面5段对话,从A、B、C个选项中选出最佳选项。(对话听两遍)
  (    )11. What does the girl like?
  A. Apples          B. Oranges           C. Pears
  (    )12. Where was Betty born?
  A. America         B. England           C. Beijing
  (    )13. What does the woman do on Sunday morning?
  A. To see a friend    B. To see her mother   C. To take her dog for a walk
  (    )14. How many boys are there in the class?
  A. 22              B. 46              C. 24
  (    )15. How does the boy go to school every day?
  A. On foot          B. By bus            C. By bike
  D. 短文理解。(听短文,根据短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中找出正确答案。短文听两遍)
  (    )16. Helen is Tony’s ____________
  A. brother          B. sister             C. teacher
  (    )17. Which sports does Tony like? _________
  A. Tennis and swimming B .Basketball and swimming  C. Football and basketball
  (    )18. Tony is ______years old and Helen is _______years old.
  A. 11,13            B. 13,11             C. 11,12
  (    )19. Tony is in Class________, Grade _______
  A. One, One         B. One, Four         C. Four, One
  (    )20. Helen likes__________
  A. playing tennis      B. Chinese          C. Music
  (  )21、How do you read the word “great”?
  A. ∕gret∕        B.∕greit ∕    C.∕grit∕        D. ∕gri∶t∕
  (  )22、---What do you often do _______ your free time ?
  --- I often read. I read __________ interesting books .
  A. in; lot       B.on; a lot of     C. in; lots of   D. on; a lot
  (  )23、That’s a girl. Her name is ___________.
  A.Wang Xiaoling  B.Wang Xiao Ling 
  C.Wang xiaoling  D.Wang xiao ling
  (  )24、I like to        TV, but my father likes to        books.
  A、watch, read  B、watch, look     C、watch, see  D、read, look at
  (  )25、There are ________ things to do in the garden.
  A. much      B. lots of          C. a lot          D. lot of
  (  )26、I have ____ e-dog.________ name is Hobo.
  A.a,Its         B.an ,Its       C. an, It’s         D. an,it’s
  (  )27、My bother often makes his teacher ____________.

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