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  (考试时间90分钟   满分100分)
  第一节、听音辨图  听句子,选出与你所听到的句子内容相符的图画,每个句子读两遍。
  A                B               C                 D
  1_______________   2_______________  3_______________  4_______________
  第二节、情景反应  听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读两遍。
  5. A. Bread.   B. Apples.          C. Math.
  6. A. Twice a week.   B. Twice.           C. For two days.
  7. A. With pleasure.   B. You’d better not.    C. Yes, I am.
  8. A. You are clever.   B. She is a teacher.     C. That’s a good idea.
  9. A. The same to you.  B. Thanks a lot.       C. Me, too.
  10.A. Vienna          B.  Mozart           C. Pop music
  第三节、对话理解  听五组段对话和五个问题,选择正确的答案。每组对话读两遍。
  11. Where did the woman go?
  A. She went to the restaurant.  B. She went to the hospital.  C. She went to the bookshop.
  12. Which country are they probably in?
  A. China. B. Canada. C. America.
  13. How will the man go to the factory?
  A. On foot. B. By taxi. C. By bus.
  14. How long will they stay in New York?
  A. A week. B. Two days. C. One day.
  15. What mustn’t he do?
  A. Watch TV.     B. Play computer games. C. Do some cleaning.
  第四节、语篇理解  听一篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。短文读三遍。
  16. What does Mr Brown know?
  A. English and Chinese.  B. Chinese and Japanese.  C. English, Chinese, and Japanese.
  17. Is Mr Brown very old?
  A. Yes, he is.         B. No, he isn’t.          C. We don’t know.
  18. Where is his big desk?
  A. By the window.        B. Near the floor.        C. In the middle of the room.
  19. What is near the desk on the floor?
  A. A ball.            B. A dog.              C. Some books.
  20. When do the students come to Mr Brown’s room?
  A. Saturday and Sunday.   B. From Monday to Friday.  C. Only on Sunday.
  21The bank is __________ the post office
  A. between          B. next to       C. in
  22.Did you enjoy __________ in the park yesterday?
  A. you              B. your        C. yourself
  23.Have you __________ entered a composition? 
  A. ever             B. already        C. never
  24.She ___________ to Shanghai on business.
  A. have been        B. has gone        C. has been
  25.You have heard of him, ___________?
  A. don’t you          B. didn’t you      C. haven’t you
  26.He is an ___________ boy from a small village in Guangxi.
  A. eight—year—old    B. eight—years—old  C. eight year old
  27.There are more than 200________ stars in our galaxy
  A. billions             B. billions of          C. billion
  28.Kate can play _________ piano but she can’t play ________ football.
  A. the , the              B. \ , the             C. the , \
  29.Now pandas have___________ land to live on.
  A. more and more        B. less and less        C. bigger and bigger
  30.She wanted __________ some Beijing Opera.
  A. to see                B. seen                C. seeing
  31.We ___________ TV at eight o’clock yesterday evening
  A. are watching          B. were watching       C. watched
  32.I’m going to give you some ____________
  A. advice                B. advices            C. information
  33.----Have you visited the museum?       
  -------No, I ___________.
  A. have                   B. haven’t           C. has
  34.Why not _________ down your mistakes in your notebook?
  A. to write                 B. writing           C. write

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