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  Lesson 61
  Ⅰ. 将下列短语和图片对应起来。
  A.       B.       C.       D.     E. 
  (   )  1. the flag of the U.S.
  (   )  2. the White House
  (   )  3. the president of the U.S.
  (   )  4. the Statue of Liberty
  (   )  5. a map of the U.S.
  Ⅱ. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。
  1. 这儿有一张李明父亲的照片。
  ________ ________ a picture of Li Ming’s father.
  2. 你知道什么国家在美国北面吗?
  Do you know ________ ________ is north of the U.S.?
  3. 在美国,人们说英语。
  People ________ English ________ the U.S.
  4. 美国在中国的东面。
  The U.S. is ________ ________ China. 
  5. 白宫在华盛顿。
  The ________ ________ is in Washington D.C.
  Ⅲ. 根据上下文完成短文,每空一词。
  I know something (某事) (1) ________the U.S. It’s (2) ________ of Canada. There are 50 white (3) ________ and 13 stripes on the flag of the U.S. The (4) ________ city of the U.S. is Washington D.C. The (5) ________ of the U.S. lives in the White House. The Statue of Liberty is very famous, and it is in New York.
  Lesson 62
  Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示写单词。
  1. My brother and I like the ________ (相同的) colour, red.
  2. — What’s two plus three?
  — It’s ________ (简单的)! Five!
  3. Who is the ________ (国王) of this country?
  4. The U.K. is ________ (在……西方) of China.
  5. Kings and ________ (女王) in the U.K. live in palaces.
  Ⅱ. 用适当的介词填空。
  1. Look! This is a map ________ the world.
  2. What would you like to do ________ the U.S.?
  3. Is London the capital city ________ the U.K?
  4. I know a lot ________ Canada.
  5. Wang Lei and Li Ping are ________ China. They are Chinese.
  Ⅲ. 连词成句,注意所给标点符号。
  1. China, U.K., the, is, east, of (?)
  2. same, I, picture, the, yours, have, as (.)

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