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共13道大题,约3320字。  广西南宁江南区七年级2011年秋段考
  考试时间:120分钟          试卷分值:120分
  A                         B                           C               
  D                          E                         F
  1. __________   2. ____________   3. ___________   4. ___________   5. __________
  二、听句子,选择相应的答语, 每个句子只读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)
  (   )6. A. It’s a pen.         B. It’s black.       C. It’s a book.    D. It’s a tree.
  (   )7. A. Good afternoon!   B. I’m fine, thanks.  C. Hello, Lucy!   D. See you.
  (   )8. A. My name is Tom.  B. T-O-M, Tom.     C. A, B, C, D.    D. Red.
  (   )9. A. It’s green.        B.Singing.        C. Hot .         D. A computer.
  (   )10. A.I’m Tony.      B.It’s U.          C.I’m 12.      D. Her name is Helen.
  三、 对话理解。(每小题1分,共5分)
  (   )11. What’s the weather limmer?
  A. Yes, it is.         B. No, it isn’t.   C. It’s hot.      D. It’s cold.
  (   )12. What sport does Tony like?
  A. Football.         B. Basketball.   C. Swimming.   D. Running.
  (   )13. What’s his family name?     
  A. Beckham.    B. David.    C. David Beckham.   D. Smith.
  (   )14. How old is he?
  A. 28         B. 29        C. 30         D. 39
  (   )15. Where is David Beckham from ?
  A. England.       B. America.    C. China.    D. Japan.
  (  )16.This is         room.
  A. my English teacher’s  B. my Chinese teacher’s
  C. Mr Li’s                 D. Miss Wang’s
  (  )17.There are         on the table.
  A. some books and a television        B. some books and a computer
  C. some books and flowers             D. some books and pens
  (  )18.The basketball is        .
  A. on the bed    B. on the chair     C. on the desk     D. under the chair
  (  )19.Mr Wang can        .
  A. play basketball  B. play football      C. ride a horse     D. drive a car
  (  )20.         are on the wall.
  A. Some pictures and a map of England  B. A map of China and some pictures
  C. A map and a kite                   D. A photo of family
  Hello! This is   21   bed room .In the room there is a bed ,a desk   22   a chair. My desk is
  23  to my bed .My shoes and basketball  24  under the bed .There are  25  pictures on the wall .They are very nice .
  (  )26. —Nice to see you .      —_______
  A. How are you?    B. How do you do?    C. I’m fine.    D. Nice to see you, too.
  (  )27. — What’s this in English, Xiao Hong?    — It’s _____ orange.
  A. a        B. an          C. /        D. the
  (  )28. _______ name is Tom .  _______ is a boy in Class One.
  A. My; I        B. His; He        C. Her; She     D. Your; You
  (  )29.Mum,        my friend Lingling.
  A. there is  B. it is    C. he is      D. this is
  ( )30. Kate can’t play        tennis,  but she can play        piano.
  A. the; the    B. the; /    C. /; the      D. a; an
  ( )31. —       your brother play basketball, John?     —No, he       .
  A. Is; isn’t  B. Can; can   C. Can; can’t    D. Are; isn’t
  ( )32. —Are there         trees on the hill?      —Yes, there are        .
  A. some; any  B. any; some  C. any; any     D. some; some
  ( )33.         some juice and milr fridge(冰箱).
  A. There have  B. There are  C. There has    D. There is
  ( )34. —_______ are your father’s shoes?
  —They’re under the bed.
  A. Where         B. How        C. What     D. How many
  ( )35 .—_______ your mother like watching television?
  —No, she likes reading.
  A. Is     B. Are.     C. Do     D. Does.
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