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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 初中试卷 / 七年级下册试卷
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  • 资源大小: 222 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2019/1/1 8:27:01
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  说明:1. 本卷分为选择题和非选择题两部分,满分120分,考试时间90分钟。
  2. 请将全部答案写在答题卡上。
  第I卷(选择题 共85分)
  第一部分 听力部分
  (    )1. A. My sister is short.          B. She is cute.           C. My music teacher.
  (    )2. A. She is not in.              B. Sounds great.         C. Of course.
  (    )3. A. With my sister.            B. After lunch.           C. In the park.
  (    )4. A. I’m in Thailand.           B. That’s a snowman.      C. It’s sunny.
  (    )5. A. I read books.              B. I like apples.           C. On Sunday.
  (    )6. Who has curly hair?
  A. Mary.                        B. Linda.                   C. Cindy.
  (    )7. What is next to the supermarket?
  A. A park.                       B. A bookstore.              C. A zoo.
  (    )8. How’s the weather in Chengdu?
  A. It’s windy.                     B. It’s rainy.                 C. It’s sunny.
  (    )9. What is on Oxford Street?
  A. Carol’s clothes store.           B. Carol’s school.            C. Carol’s house.
  (    )10. What does Sissy like to wear on weekends?
  A. The school uniform.             B. A skirt.                  C. A dress.
  (    )11. How many trees are around Mr. Li’s house?
  A. Two.                         B. Three.                   C. Five.
  (    )12. Who is the woman in a hat?
  A. Jennifer’s music teacher.   B. Jennifer’s math teacher.   C. Jennifer’s P.E. teacher.
  (    )13. Who has short curly hair?
  A. Edison’s cousin.         B. Edison’s sister.        C. Edison’s mother.
  (    )14. What is Edison’s uncle?
  A. An artist.             B. An actor.            C. A singer.
  (    )15. How does Pandora like Edison’s uncle?
  A. He is handsome.         B. He is smart.          C. He is cool.
  (    )16. How old is David?
  A. 11.                    B. 12.                C. 13.
  (    )17. Where is David from?
  A. Thailand.               B. Canada.             C. China.
  (    )18. What does David look like?
  A. He has short straight hair.
  B. He has long curly hair.
  C. He has short curly hair.
  (    )19. How’s the weather in Moscow?
  A. It’s rainy.                 B. It’s warm.               C. It’s cloudy.
  (    )20. What does Molly think of Chinese classes?
  A. Relaxing.                 B. Easy.                    C. Interesting.
  (    )21. Where does Molly live?
  A. She lives at school.         
  B. She lives across from her school.
  C. She lives next to her school.
  (    )22. Who manch for Molly?
  A. Her aunt.                 B. Her mother.               C. Her uncle.
  (    )23. How old is Jason’s grandpa?
  A. 68.                       B. 78.                      C. 87.
  (    )24. What does Jason’s grandpa always do after getting up?
  A. Makes breakfast.           B. Listens to the radio.      C. Goes for a walk.
  (    )25. Which of the following is TRUE about Jason’s grandma?
  A. She likes singing.       B. She can’t play chess.  C. She always cleans the house.
  第二部分 笔试部分
  (    )26. —Thanch for showing me the way.
  A. Don’t say so     B. It doesn’t matter    C. No problem      D. Never mind
  (    )27. —How’s everything going with you?
  —                .
  A. That’s all right.    B. Not bad, thanks.   C. Not much.     D. Sounds good         
  (    )28. —_________ is the weather like in Hangzhou?
  — It’s cloudy.
  A. How            B. What           C. When              D. Where
  (    )29. — Excuse me, is there a restaurant near here?
  — Yes, there is        at the street corner over there.
  A. one       B. it   C. nothing         D. none
  (    )30.—A policeman may _______ danger any minute of his working day.
  —So they must be very careful.
  A. see             B. describe               C. fight             D. meet
  (    )31.—Wow! What a ______ par can hardly hear the traffic.
  —Yes, and no one is shouting
  A. quiet            B. free                C. clean             D. popular
  (    )32.—What are you doing, Ms. Green?
  —I am looking ______ my son. He is not home yet.
  A. at               B. for               C. through            D. after
  (    )33.—How long does it ta to finish your homework every day?
  —I often ________ two hours on it.
  A. use              B. pay               C. take               D. spend
  (    )34. —When Peter comes, please ask him to leave a ______.
  —All right.
  A. notice           B. message             C. words              D. news
  (    )35. —Do you know Yingwuzhou Yangtze River Bridge?
  —Of course. It ________ Hanyang and Wuchang. 
  A. crosses          B. visits               C. gets                D. joins
  (    )36.—TV says there will be ______rain tomorrow.
  —I hope not. I planned to go to the zoo with my friends.
  A. strong            B. much              C. terrible           D. heavy
  (    )37. —Look! There is a large ship __________ the bridge.
  —Wow, it’s Soulmate(知音号), a very famous ship in Wuhan.
  A. going through      B. going down     C. going across     D. going along
  (    )38. —Would you like white coffee or black coffee, madam?
  —Black Coffee, please. ______I don’t want any milk ______ sugar in it.

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