《Slavery and the American Civil War》ppt2
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Slavery and the American Civil War of
Module 3, Book 10课前调查问卷和单词表
威海一中 郑雅潇
Questionnaire Paper for Slavery and the American Civil War
Part 1: Bacnd knowledge—try to answer the following questions in English
1. When did the Civil War in America breat?
A. In 1681 B. In 1861 C. In 1865 D. I’ve no idea
2. Who are the two sides in the war?
3. What’s the purpose of the war?
4. Where did the slaves come from?
5. Why did they come to America?
6. How did they come and how were they treated?
Part 2: Do you know anything else about slavery in the history of America? If so, list what you know.
Part3: Have you ever watched the film Twelve years a slave? If so, tell us the plot of the film simply.
I. Mastering the words
Slavery and the American Civil War of
Module 3, Book 10教学设计
威海一中 郑雅潇
1. Leading-in
让学生观察一张有几个黑人的图片,并发问:What’s the skin color of them?
学生回答后继续发问:Shall we call them black people? Negro?Nigger?
学生回答后,进而问那应该叫什么?——African American
让学生带着问题Why don’t we call them negro/ nigger? 看一段视频。
学生会回答是因为以前白人把黑人奴隶叫做negro/ nigger, 意思是“黑鬼”,是不礼貌的。
设计意图:通过对日常语言使用的把握来引起学生的兴趣,顺便导出本节课的目标。视频截选自电影《为奴十二年》Twelve Years a Slave,而第一篇文章Slavery in the USA的第二部分刚好是简介了这个真实的故事,所以它不但能使学生进一步体会negro/ nigger所带有的感情色彩,又能顺其自然过渡到文本阅读上。
2. Read the first passage —Slavery in the USA
1) Read part 2: The True story of Solomon Northrup: a Black Slave and answer the following question:
What kind of life did Soloman lead during his twelve years as a slave?
Underline the supporting sentence.
设计意图:这部分文章讲了所罗门被骗并卖作奴隶的经历,非常简单,学生能从文章中找到唯一的一个句子来回答这个问题,并且概括出He led a miserable life. 我这样设计的意图是为美国内战爆发的表面原因和真正原因做好铺垫、埋下伏笔。
2) 哪里有压迫哪里就有反抗,奴隶制度的残忍导致了反奴隶制的运动,最终引
Read Part 1: Causes of the American Civil War and answer questions:
① Why was the slavery so important to the south?
② What’s the reason for the American Civil War?
③ What’s the result of the American Civil War?
Keys: ① Because the slaves provided the labour in the cotton field