《Enjoying novels》ppt11(4份)

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优课人教版高中英语Boonit 5 Enjoying novels reading教案+学案+课件(22张)+反思 (4份打包)
└─课件设计_高宇杰_高中英语_选修十Unit5 The rise of English authoresses in the 19th century
Unit 5 课文 00_00_00-00_05_10.mp3
一分零八 00_00_00-00_01_08.wmv
永恒爱歌翻拍哥特式新版《简·爱》终极花絮版预告 00_00_10-00_00_42.wmv
  Book X  Unit 5  Enjoy novels 课文阅读导学案
  【Learning aims】
  1. Can learn about the five famous authoresses in the 19th century; improve the reading ability.
  2. Can grasp the methods of summarizing main ideas and dealing with nominative absolute construction(独立主格结构).
  3. Can face the difficulties and obstacles bravely and do everything in our power to overcome them.
  内容:20分钟自学课文The rise of English authoresses in the 19 th century,严格按照要求预习课文。
  要求:10分钟迅速默读文章一遍, 把握文章主旨大意,获取有效信息,完成阅读理解题TaskⅠ&Ⅱ。
  Task I: Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers:
  1. This passage is mainly about_______.
  A. the problems of women writers in the 19th century
  B. how women writers of the 19th century influenced English literature
  C. the position and achievement of English authoresses in the 19th century English literature
  D. the introduction to the novels by English authoresses in the 19th century
  2. Why did so many authoresses write about marriage and love according to the text?
  A. Because there was little sex discrimination and limitation of women’s choices.
  B. Because this was the dilemma and experience for these women writers.
  C. Because this was a common longing for most women.
  D. Both B and C.
  3. “Everyone knows that a single man with a fortune must be in want of a wife (para 2). The
  underlined word in the sentence probably means “________”.
  A. bright future                     B. good luck     
  C. large amount of money             D. business
  4. Why is Charles Dickens mentioned in the last paragraph?
  A. Because many females writers imitated his writing style.
  B. Because the text intends to emphasize the authoresses’ contributions to the 19 th century literature by comparison.
  C. Because he produced more works than any of the authoresses.
  D. Because his style is similar to that of the authoresses.
  5. In which way were George Eliot’s novels similar to those of Charles Dickens?
  A. Both are concerned with society and its effect on the individual.
  B. Both are from the same point of view.
  C. Both are concerned with the equality of opportunity for women.
  D. Both show great sympathy for women.
  Task II: Match the titles of the famous novels to the authors or authoresses.
  ___Jane Austen 简•奥斯汀                   1. Wuthering Heights《呼啸山庄》
  ___Charlotte Bronte夏洛蒂•勃朗特            2. Gone with the wind 《飘》
  ___Emily Bronte 艾米莉•勃朗特              3. Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》
  ___Anne Bronte安妮•勃朗特                 4. Jane Eyre《简•爱》
  ___Charles Dickens 查尔斯•狄更斯            5. Silas Marner 《织工马南》
  ___ Margaret Mitchell 玛格丽特•米歇尔        6. Agnes Grey《艾格尼斯•格雷》
  ___George Eliot 乔治•艾略特                 7. David Copperfield《大卫•科波菲尔》
  Tasnderline these phrases and sentence patterns in the passage:
  Para 1: at a time when there was no equality…在没有平等机会的年代里
  get through the ban  绕过这条禁令
  Para 2: overcome obstacles to their happiness and marriage克服通向幸福和婚姻中的障碍
  Para 3: represent the opinions of sb代表了某人的观点   man of sb取笑;调侃
  Para 4: adopt this practice采用了这一常规             under the name of…用…的名字
  see through the deception 看穿诡计            give approval to…同意/批准…
  Para 5: struggle against 与…作斗争                   a great success一个巨大成功
  Para 6: take in to live with sb 收留某人                for which 怎么来的?
  Para 7: stand out杰出                               a literary critic  一个文学评论家
  【My question】Write down any question during your previewing, such as how to translate or how to analyze some long sentences.
  【探究一】Read the whole text and give the general idea of each part.
  Part Ⅰ( Para.1 ) _______________________________________________________________
  Part Ⅱ( Para. 2~6) ______________________________________________________________
  Part Ⅲ (Para. 7) ________________________________________________________________
  ★小结:段落大意总结方法                                                   。                                                                       
  【探究二】Read the following three sentences and analyze the similarity of the
  underlined parts.
  Sentence1: The three Bronte sisiters adopting this practice, Mary Ann Evans did the same and wrote under the name of George Eilot.
  Sentence2: With the 19th century being regarded as one of great women writers, there were also some excellent male authors.
  Sentence3: These women having produced works of the hightest quality, any survey of 19th century English literature must include them.
  1. 共同点:以上划线部分都是with 复合结构或独立主格结构。两个结构的联系是                                    。
  1) Weather permitting, we will go on an outing to the beach tomorrow.
  2) The burglars caught by the police, all the villagers went back home to sleep.
  3) His mother to come tonight, he is busy preparing the dinner.
  结构中doing / done / to do 的区分是                                             
  ★小结:独立主格的解题方法                                               。
  【探究三】Read the text again and answer the following questions.
  1. Why did the three Bronte sisters publish their worsing men’s names?
  2. What can we learn from these authoresses in the 19th century?
  In the 19th century, there used to be a               in society that          the writing of novels by authoresses. However, this period produced five of the most          
  and          authoresses.
  Jane Austen was the first of these great women writers. All her novels                 
  the problems and              of women’s choices. After Jane Austen, authoresses found it even more hopeless to publish novels                                     . Charlotte Bronte was the most famous of the three Bronte sisters. Her novels were            for the          way they described women                   their restricted roles in society. The last          authoress of this period was George Eilot. Her novels examined the moral            people make in their lives in order to succeed.
  1. Everyone knows that a single man with a fortune must be in want of a wife.
  2.A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment.
  3. How quick come the reasons for approving what we like!
  想给我们的喜好找个理由时,脑袋转的是最快的。 方法导引
  Task I:
  Task II:
  Task Ⅲ
  掌握with 复合结构和独立主格结构的联系以及方法。
  课 时 教 案                                       
  课题 B10 U5 -- The rise of English authoresses in the 19th century 课型 Reading
  教学重点 1. The nominative absolute construction
  2. What attitude should we keep in face of obstacles and difficulties in life?
  学习目标 知识Can learn about the five famous authoresses in the 19th century; improve the reading ability.
  能力Can grasp the methods of summarizing main ideas and dealing with the nominative absolute construction.
  情感Can face the difficulties and obstacles bravely and do everything in our power to overcome them.
  板书提纲 B10U5 Reading
  Learning aims:
  1. ...
  2. ...
  3.  ...
  教学感悟 Ss had a good knowledge about the nominative absolute construction and actively participated in the activities. The class is full of passion. But the teacher should direct the Ss to focus more on the reading process itself rather than let Ss read it by themselves.
  计 【Pre-class training】英语小组长
  1. 课前督促组员把材料准备好,提醒大声疯狂朗读课文。
  2. 1)讨论时候注意按照先分层,再组内大讨论,组内解决不了的跨
  3. 1) 点评时加大对书写的点评,不好的一定说出为什么不好,培养
  【Focus for this period】
  1. Know the five famous authoresses Jane Austen, three Bronte sisters, George Eliot and their achievement in the 19 rhe English literature.
  2. Nominative absolute construction
  教 学 过 程 设 计
  【Preparation for our class】
  The teacher reminds Ss of  the materials’ preparation and enjoy the sentence每日赠言:No pain , no palm; no thorns , no throne ; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown.
  【Leading in and learning aims】
  Leading in:Enjoy a video of Jane Eyre and be ready to know the famous English authoresses in the class.. 学案反馈:优秀个人及优秀小组;问题:独立主格的难点未掌握:探究案doing/ done/to do 在此结构中的区别不明确。
  Explaining learning aims
  1. Learn about the five famous authoresses in the 19th century to improve the reading ability. 2. Grasp the methods of summarizing main ideas and dealing with nominative absolute construction 3. In this class do everything in your power to overcome difficulties and obstacles.
  【self- study】
  题目 展示 题目 展示
  我的疑问 G1   No.4 探究一1.2 G3  No.4
  探究二 G5   No.4 探究一2.3 G4  No.4
  探究二 应用 G6.7  No.4 探究三1 G8  No.4
  作者及作品 G2   No.4 探究三2 G9  No.4
  立体交叉目标: 1.B层脱稿展示,注意书写。
  3.分层要求:C层了解每部分的段落大意,尝试理解独立主格; B层总结段落大意和独立主格结构的构成;A层总结段落大意及独立主格的解题方法。
  【Breagh  】
  内容 预习中的疑问; 探究案
  要求 1.First have a one-to-one discussion and then you can turn to other students.(先一对一再组内)
  2.Group leaders: ①Allocate(分配) the task.
  ②Control the time and process.
  ③Marestion that can’t be solved
  ④Lead the members to add the presentation. 做好补充
  3.Be efficient and active enough!  共同、积极、有效
  评价 根据参与度、充分度  +5’/ +4’/ +3’
  目标 C层解决预习中的问题,掌握好段落大意的总结方法。
  【Together, individuals can make a difference.】
  内容 展示 点评 Requirements
  作者及作品梳理 G2 自
  评 1.点评人员自然大方,声音洪亮,语速适中,注意拓展联系。
  (质疑或拓展 +3’/人)
  探究一 G3、4
  我的疑问+探究二 G1、5、6、7
  探究三 G8、9
  1.关键词即高频词,文章中反复出现的词。  2.中心句,常位于段首或段末。中心段,常位于首段或末段。       3.注意范围大小。
  二、探究二:dealing with nominative absolute construction
  1. 重难点:结构中doing / done / to do 区分:doing动词与逻辑主语之间是主谓主动关系;
  done 动词与逻辑主语之间是动宾被动关系; to do 是将要去干某事。
  2..方法总结:第一步:判断是否为非谓语动词;   第二步:找出逻辑主语;
  1. It __ a rainy day; we decided not to go there.
  2. It ___ a hot day, we’d better go swimming.
  A. is   B. to be   C.being   D. was         A. is  B. to be    C.being   D. was
  【Role-play】Go back to the 19th century
  One volunteer group情境:19世纪,简.奥斯丁出版《傲慢与偏见》时发生的故事。
  From the play and the passage:
  1. Why did the three Bronte sisters publish their worsing men’s names?
  Because of the consensus in society that opposed the writing of novels by authoresses.
  2. What can we learn from these authoresses in the 19th century?
  1)  Positive attitude towards life.     2)  Persistence.    3)  Strong-minded.
  4)  Stick to one’s dreams and goals.  5).....
  Q: In our lives, we often meet some difficulties and obstacles. Can you give us some examples about how to do?
  A video for student to think: 《中国达人秀》刘伟
  Q: Which sentence impressed you most and what we can learn from him?
  We do not choose to be born. We do not choose our parents. We do not choose the country of our birth, or the way in which we are brought up. But within all this realm of lack of choice, we must choose how we shall live; courageously or in cowardice, honorably or dishonorably, with purpose or in drifty.
  【Consolidation and checking】
  疯狂背诵:预习案task3 的短语和句型;探究二2.独立主格结构的例句。
  2minutes later, volunteers to check themselves according to the screen.
  C层:短语1. 取笑 2. 用…的名字 3.杰出
  B层:句式1. 克服通向幸福和婚姻中的障碍 2. 在没有平等机会的年代里
  Summary: 1.回扣三维目标,总结本节课收获  2.表扬优秀个人和优秀小组,谁最先到达灯塔。 课前提醒学生疯狂朗读,为上课做好准备

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