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山西省阳泉市(人教版)英语七年级下册复习练习:Units 1~4.doc
  七年级(下 )Units 1~4
  1. The lion _______(relax) about 20 hours every day.
  2. Some _______(child) are swimming in the lake.
  3. Mr. Smith always has some good pieces of ______ (news) to tell us.
  4. Now many people enjoy ______ (work) in cities but living in the countryside.
  5. For many people who want to be quiet, fishing is a good way ______(have) fun.
  1. There is a b______ over the river near my house.
  2. If you are h_____, you can eat some bread.
  3. Hangzhou is a good p_____ to go sightseeing.
  4. What kind of a______ do you like best, dogs, cats or tigers?
  5. Tom is a c______ boy. He usually wort the math problems quickly.
  1. Where is Jack from?(改为同义句)
  Where _______Jack _____ from?
  2. She wants to be a reporter when she grows up.(对划线部分提问)
  ______ does she ______ to be when she grows up?
  3. Susan has to do her homework every day. (改为一般疑问句)
  Does Susan ________ to _______ her homework every day?
  4. I lisic because it's relaxing.(对划线部分提问)
  ________ do _______ lisic?
  5. The post office is _______ opposite to the supermarket. (改为同义句)
  The post office is _____ ________ the supermarket.
  1. 谈论能力。 
  2. 谈论日常作息习惯。
  3. 谈论交通方式。
  4. 谈论有关规章制度的话题。
  1. music (n.) __________ (adj.) 音乐的
  ___________(n.) 音乐家
  2.swim(v.)_____________(n.) 游泳者
  3.usual(adj.) ___________(adv.) 通常
  4. friend (n.) __________(adj.) 友好的
  ___________(n.) 友谊
  5.quick (adj.) __________(adv.) 快地
  6.village (n.) ___________(n.) 村名
  7. sometimes(adv.) ___________(同义短语)不时;有时
  8.importance(n.)______________(adj.) 重要的
  9.noise (n.) ________________(adj.) 吵闹的
  I. 单项选择。
  (    )1 .______ Lucy and Lily go home at seven?
  A. Do         B. Does     C. Are
  (    )2.I want to join the _______ club. I can _______ well.
  A.  swim , swim   B. swimming , swim  C. swim , swims
  (    ) 3.Mr Smith is very good at __________ stories. He can be a member(成员) of the story _________club.
  A.  tell , telling    B. tells , tell        C. telling , telling
  (    ) 4. She _______________go home today .
  A don’t have to  B  doesn’t have to   C  doesn’t has to
  (    ) 5.We need ______ at the old people’s home. Can you ______ us?
  A. help , help     B. to help , help        C. helping , help
  (    ) 6.Are you good _____ old people? Please come____ the old people’s home.
  A. with, at       B. with , to       C. for , with
  (    ) 7.Scott has an interesting _______.He works at a radio station. He has much _____ to do.
  A. job , work     B. work , job       C. jobs ,work
  (    ) 8. Don’t _______________your phones to school .
  A take  B bring  C brings
  (    ) 9. We _______________eat outside, we must eat in the dining hall.
  A can   B have  to  C. can’t
  (    ) 10.Ice-cream tastes _______, but it isn’t good _________ health.
  A. well , at          B. good ,for      C. well , with
  (    ) 11. Either he or she _____ to the movies. One of the ______ must look after the baby.        A. go , student     B. going , students   C. goes , students
  (    ) 12. I’d like ________ an action movie. 
  A. see  B. to see   C. seeing
  (    )13.Look!Some students ________ tennis outside.
  A. play        B. are playing    C. to play   
  (    )14. Maybe he can ______ in their basketball team.
  A. is           B. be              C. are   
  (    )15. It is _______ to learn English so I read English every day.
  A. expensive    B. interesting     C. terrible    
  II. 完形填空。
  Tony and Bill are in the same school,    16     they are in different classes.  Their favorite     17    is Chinese. They     18     Chinese is very interesting. They go to school on weekdays. They come to school     19     7:00 in the morning. Today is Tuesday. Tony and Bill are in their own (自己的) classrooms.
  Tony     20    an English class. Look! He is talking     21     his English teacher in English. Bill is having a Chinese class. His teacher is talking    22     Beijing Opera with them. The students are looking at their teachers. They     23     carefully (认真地).But one of Tony’s classmates     24    a boose he isn’t good at English and he    25    English.
  16. A. but B. and C. or D. because
  17. A. sport B. language C. country D. subject
  18. A. say B. speak C. tell   D. talk
  19. A. in B. on C. at D. about
  20. A. have B. is hasing C. has D. is having
  21. A. at B. to C. for D. of
  22. A. to B. in C. about D. at
  23 .A. listen to B. listening to C. are listening D. are listening to
  24. A. are reading B. is reading C. reads D. rea

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