《Time off》检测试题(含听力)

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  • 更新时间: 2016/7/27 22:06:38
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    Module 8  检测题
  1.A.German. B.English. C.French.
  2.A.Bill. B.Mary. C.Tom.
  3.A.By plane. B.By bus. C.By train.
  4.A.Yesterday morning. B.Yesterday afternoon. C.Last night.
  5.A.To read about the weather.
  B.To read about sports.
  C.To read about news.
  6.A.She went to the park. B.She went to the garden. C.She visited the zoo.
  7.A.Yes, she did. B.Yes, I don’t. C.No, she didn’t.
  8.A.A tiger.   B.A panda. C.A deer.
  9.A.There isn’t any elephant. B.Behind the tiger. C.In front of the lion.
  10.A.At four. B.At five. C.At six.
  11.Where does Miss King come from?
  A.Canada. B.France. C.America.
  12.How old is Miss King?
  A.Twenty-three. B.Twenty-five. C.Twenty-eight.
  13.What is NOT Miss King’s hobby?
  A.Playing tennis. B.Drawing pictures. C.Listening to music.
  14.What does Miss King think of penguins?
  A.They are shy. B. They are cute. C. They are lazy.
  15.What does Miss King like doing best?
  A.Teaching English. B.Being a reporter. C.Working with animals.
  16.—Did you go to the cinema to see 3D Titanic last night?
  —No,I       go to the cinema. The tickets are too expensive.
  A.hardly B.nearly C.still D.only
  17. This TV set is too loud; will you please ________?
  A.turn down it B.turn it down
  C.to turn it down D.to turn down it
  18.—      you good luck in the new year!
  —The same to you.
  A.Hope B.Want C.Wish D.Like
  19.He runs       fast that we can’t catch him.
  A.too B.so C.such D.very
  20.—Where is Tom?
  —I heard him       with our English teacher when I passed the teachers’ office.
  A.talks B.talked C.talking D.to talk
  21.Please tell Tom       football in the street. It’s dangerous.
  A.to play B.not to play C.play D.not play
  22.My brother likes playing volleyball       I like playing chess.
  A.when B.so C.while D.for
  23.Jack went to school without       breakfast.
  A.eat B.eats C.to eat D.eating
  24.They didn’t agree       where to go.
  A.with B.on C.to D.about
  25.Why don’t we       there on foot?
  A.go B.to go C.going D.goes
  26.He said that it was wrong       flowers and leaves.
  A.pick B.picking C.to pick D.picked
  27.Our teacher said that light       faster than sound.
  A.travels B.was travelling C.was travelled  D.travelled
  28.Let’s climb up the hill.Then I can point       some sights to you.
  A.at B.to C.for D.out
  29.Our teacher doesn’t allow us       our MP3 to school.
  A.bring B.to bring C.bringing D.brought
  30.—Can you tell me      ?
  —Yesterday afternoon.
  A.when the train leaves B.

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